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Two weeks after the disaster with Kai, Mara continued to isolate herself from everyone and everything; including Kinsey, Sam, and Kai.

Instead of working in a group setting and helping out in the community with her peers, she had requested that she worked with the townspeople, allowing her to get a better experience, learning their hardships. 

In actuality, she just wanted to avoid all people close to her age.

In this short time period, she had also successfully avoided Druig. For the most part. 

Sometimes while she was working with the townspeople, she could feel his gaze burning into her back. 

When she'd turn around, she would see his figure standing tall, a few meters away. They would make eye contact for a split second before she would return to her work with the roll of her hazel eyes.

After breakfast one day, Alice had bumbled over to her, carrying a large smile.

"Hi, Mara! Myra and I actually noticed that you had been alone for the last two weeks and we want your experience to also revolve around the other students and our curriculum, so, today, you will be back on with the group in a task!" Alice's voice was bright.

A wave of fear washed over Mara.

"What?" her voice radiated a mixture of emotions.

"Oh, c'mon, Mara you can't tell me that you actually enjoyed your time with the villagers?" Alice let out a small giggle that reminded her of Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter.

The thing was, Mara actually did.

The villagers taught her certain skills and life lessons that she'd never forget.

A little girl had even made a little bracelet for her that she was currently wearing. Her heart had swelled and she had wrapped her arms around the little girl, giving her a large hug. It was the first time that she had received a genuine present, marking one of Mara's happiest moments at the camp.

It was peaceful. As she integrated with their culture, she felt as if she was in a completely different world. A happy world. She could see herself living amongst them long term, if it weren't for Druig.

"I actually did, Alice," Mara crossed her arms, causing Alice to giggle once again.

"Alright dear, cut out the lying, you're going back with your peers again, and that's final," the old woman smiled which made her wrinkles crinkle.

"But I'm not-" Mara was cut off by Alice putting a finger to her lips, her brown eyes widening at the sudden impact as she shoved the woman's hand off of her lips.

Mara groaned audibly, rubbing her eyes frustratedly.

"Fine, Alice, what are we doing then?" she questioned.

"Today, you all will be collecting berries! And, don't worry,  we will send you all with a little guide on which berries to touch and which ones will make you have an allergic reaction!" Alice chortled as she patted the rich girl's back fondly.

Mara hummed in a sarcastic response.

"Alright, now, let's get back to where everyone else is so that we can do this quickly, allowing us time to get back for lunch on time!" Alice pat her large stomach which jiggled in response.

Mara followed Alice into a clearing where all of the students were, their eyes resting on her and Alice.

She could see Kinsey and Sam staring at her as they let out soft snickers.

Mara wanted to walk up to them and make them shut up. As the days went on, her hatred for them continued to build up.

"Now that we're all here, let's go!" Myra called as the teenagers all followed in suit after her, going deep into the forest.

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