It all started with Dee and Ed's

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                As I was driving my brother's silver Jeep Wrangler down highway 49, I wondered where I was headed. I decided it would be best to get some food first. You know the saying eat then think. No? Well I thought it was a great saying, therefore I got off at the next exit and looked for a diner.

               After 5 minutes, I pulled into an old-fashioned diner named Dee and Ed's Diner. I was just about to step out of the car, when I realized I was still in my tank top, underwear, and converse. I pulled on a gray shirt, black sweatshirt, and gray skinny jeans. I looked at myself in the sunroof's mirror; I was horrified.

              I had dried spit all over the side of my face, crust in the corner of my blue eyes, and my flaming red hair was a rat's nest that could not be tamed. I took a water bottle from the backseat and worked some Jazzy magic, involving damp hair and an equally damp, but clean face. I just hoped my breath was not horrific.

             Oops! I mentally slapped myself. I left my toothbrush at home. I realized that I had really left about everything at home. I then frantically checked my bag. Yep, just as I thought. No money. Not even a cent to my name. I was in such a rush to get the hell out of there that I forgot everything but two shirts, one bra, two pairs of underwear, and one pair of shoes. The ones currently on my feet.

            I decided to go in and eat any way. I could always dine and ditch or I could work off my food. People still did that right. I'm just going of what I've seen in movies and shows. As I walked in the front door, I was surprised. There was no one in the restaurant. No one. Nada. Zip. Well there goes my idea of sneaking out with the crowd. Work it off it is.

          I sat down in a booth by the corner and looked at the laminated menu. Hmmm. French toast and bacon with freshly squeezed orange juice looked good. Ha and only 8.35. I'd work that off in no time. A woman, who looked like a typical old lady dinner waitress came up to table and smiled sweetly at me.

          "What can I get for you sweetpea?" she asked.

          "Umm, can have the French toast with a side of bacon and orange, please?" I answered.

         "You got it, hun." And with that, she walked away. I put my feet up on the seat of the booth, leaned my head against the window, and closed my eyes. I heard the faint ring of a bell, but I did not look to see who had entered. I started to feel this pull in my chest, but I ignored it. The waitress came up to me with my orange juice and sighed.

          "Darling, you're too young to be tired." I chuckled at that, but it didn't stop me from taking one sip of my delicious orange juice and closing my eyes. I felt someone put my legs down and slide in next to me at the booth. That, believe me, got my attention and my eyes shot open and fell on three people currently sitting with me.

           First my eyes fell on a pretty girl with dark skin and bushy, crazy hair to match. She was talking to a toned, tan, and blond shaggy haired kid sitting across from her. Next to me. I was just to ask why they were sitting next to me when I noticed a quiet kid with very blond hair and captivating blue eyes looking over the menu. He was gorgeous. I mean they all were but this guy... I was practically eye eating him. My common sense kicked in and mentally dragged my gaze from his body. Uh. Jazz honey, it said. Three random kids you don't know just sat next to you. They could be rapists or murders. Stop checking this boy our. It is the time for flight not flirt.

            Before I could stop myself, I said, "Hello?"

           Their eyes looked up at me and I couldn't help feel like they were sizing me up. "Hello gorgeous. May we help you?" said the guy next to me.

            "You're kidding me right? You sat next to me, no explanation, no nothing."

           This time the girl spoke, "No, I'm pretty sure we've been sitting here for the past hour. You just came to us and sat down." The quiet kid smirked.

           ""No, no, no. I have been sitting here. I'm on the inside of you." I said pointing to the kid next to me. These kids were obviously stupid.

            "You feeling okay. I think you might be out of it. Maybe we should call someone to come get you before you start shouting Harry Potter spells," said the girl.

         What?!? I was bewildered. What was I supposed to say? They were obviously crazy. My expression must have been funny because the girl and the guy next to me burst out laughing. The quiet guy even let out a chuckle.

        "Okay guys," he began, "Let's explain before this poor girl has an aneurism." I guess my facial expression hadn't been that normal.

        "I'm Dew," said the quiet guy, or Dew. That's a weird name.

         "Bot," said the girl. That's an even weirder name.

        "And I, babe, am Tornado," chuckled the guy sitting next to me. Ah. I get it. They were screwing around with me. They thought it was a joke. Let me tell you, I am in no mood for jokes after the day I've had.

        "Listen, you guys don't have to tell me your real names, but-" I began, but was cut off.

       "Those are our nicknames. We'd rather not go buy our real names. Brings up too many memories." said Bot.

         Dew elbowed Bot in the ribs and she squealed. Apparently she wasn't supposed to tell me their whole life story.

        "If it makes more sense. Bot is short for Botany," she said.

        "Oh, is Botany your real name?" I asked.

        "No." said Tornado. "Bot is like a spinoff nickname off her original nickname Botany."          

        "Oh." was all I could think to say. Suddenly a question popped in my head. "Why are those your nicknames?"

        Dew said, "That's another story for another time."

       "Not that I don't love that you cool cats are sitting with me, but why are you?" I asked.

       "Because you're one of us." Tornado said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

       Um. What.

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