Let's have a show

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Jazz's POV

"No we are not high." said Dew. He looked at me like I was crazy and I glared at him.

"Well how am I supposed to know? You're talking crazy and you guys seem to have a serious case of the munchies." I said referring to the amount of food Bot and Tornado ordered. Wait, I realized they were escaped mental patients. "Oh okay. You guys just wait here  while I go get a man in white with a very big net and needle." I made an effort to climb over Tornado but he grabbed my waist and put me back in my seat.

"Listen Jazz," Bot began. "We're not crazy. We can control the elements and so can you."

"No I can't, you three are-" I stopped myself as the waitress came over with their food and drinks.

"Enjoy." she said and gave us a big smile.

Tornado looked into my eyes. "Babe, what do we have to do to prove that we can control the elements?"

I looked at this idiot and said, "Uh. I don't know show me. But you can't so I am leaving."

"You haven't even paid, yet. So you'll have to suck it up and we can show you later." Dew said.

"I wasn't going to pay anyway. Just slip out with the crowd."

Bot, Tornado, and Dew looked around the restaurant.

"Well that plan's a bust." Tornado smirked. "How about this? We pay for you and after you come with us and we explain and show you what we- what you can do."

"No way. I don't even know you!" I shrieked.

"Well," Bot started. "You don't have any money to pay I assume by your lack of cell phone, wallet, or purse. You can either come with us or go with the police to a nice, comfy jail cell. Your choice!"

Oh crap this girl meant business and I figured if the police came, I'd be going back to my family. What choice did I have. I thought it over and a small thought came to mind. What if they're telling the truth and I had power? Maybe they'd take me in and we'd go on missions to save the world. Then again, maybe they're escaped from prison and they're hear to kidnap me take me to the forest, torture and kill me. I didn't really have a better plan, so I decided what the hey. If I went back to my family, I'd be dead within a week.

"Fine." I murmured.

"Yes!" squealed Bot.

We ate our food and when the check came, Dew took out his wallet and put down two twenties. We left the restaurant and Bot and I grabbed some peppermints, while Tornado grabbed about 50 toothpicks. We walked out and saw that our cars we parked right beside each other. Their GMC Denali looked like it could devour my car.

"So," Dew said. "Follow us to our house and we'll explain from there." They got in their car and waited for me to get in mine.

I got in the car and we pulled onto the freeway. I was behind them and was considering ditching them. I decided it would be in my best interest if I just followed them. After about twenty minutes, we pulled into the driveway of a small sized house. It was gorgeous, though. There was a small pond and a tree casted a shadow over it. This didn't look like the house of a murderer. But then again what did I know.

I got out of the car and Tornado walked over to me. "To be honest, I thought you were gonna ditch us."

I gave a fake, nervous laugh and I followed the three of them inside. "So, are your parents home?" I hoped if there were other people in the house, I'd be less jittery.

"We don't live with our parents," answered Bot.

Well that just reinforced the idea that they were going to kill me. "Listen you guys, if you guys are going to kill me, please do it quickly. Don't like take me to a basement and torture me for 10 years. A quick bullet to the head will do." I said in all seriousness.

They burst out laughing. Tornado fell on the floor and Bot was wiping away tears. "We aren't going to kill you were serious about being elementals." Dew said. They walked to the backyard and I followed them. I saw about a million flowers, a giant oak tree, a pool and a shack? "Okay we're going to show you our elements, but just do not freak out."

I nodded and took a deep breath. Dew looked at the pool and flicked one finger up. I small ball of water rose up and I did a double take. He motioned for the ball to come to him and it did. He opened his whole palm and pushed it towards Tornado. Tornado was soaked and was not looking very happy. Dew and Bot laughed and even I let out an involuntary giggle. 

Then, Bot stepped up first. She closed her eyes and placed her hands to the ground. She stood up and moved her hands in an upward motion. A column of solid rock rose up and I gasped. She looked at me and gave me a childish grin. She moved her hands again and before I knew it I was on a column of rock. 15 feet in the air! I freaked out and breathed in rapid breaths. I lost my balance and fell.

Well, here I am, thought. Dying in the most spectacular way. Falling off a column of rock made by a teenage girl. I closed my eyes and readied for death. No screams. Just peaceful death. I expected to hit the hard ground a feel searing pain, but instead I felt light as air. I felt like I was on an air vent, keeping me propelled. I opened my eyes and saw Tornado holding his hands up to me. I was gently lowered to the ground and I saw Dew, Bot, and Tornado rushing to me.

Bot came up to me and engulfed me in a hug. "Oh my god. Jazz I'm so sorry. I didn't think you  were gonna freak out like that."

Dew screamed at her, "No, Botany! You weren't thinking at all." I guess when he used her full nickname, she was in serious trouble.

They all started arguing but I blocked them out. I felt really dizzy. I was losing my balancing, swaying back and forth. Then I let the darkness consume me.

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