Chapter 3

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Knock, knock.

"Come in." Ron came in to Deruth's office as he greets him while bowing, "Count-nim."

Deruth lifted his eyes from his hands holding out some paper works. Recognizing the man in front of him, he smiled,

"You didn't inform me you will coming back, Ron."

"I and my group just came hurriedly."

"Is that so? Then I should prepare a room for you and your group to stay-"

"Actually Count-nim, I would like to ask you a favor." Ron stop him while Deruth look at him with surprise, "Favor?"

Thinking about it, Ron is not a type to ask a favor. It's been more than a decades since Ron started working for him, but this is the time he ask for a favor.

When Ron is about to respond when a servant barge in a hurry.

"Count-nim! Nobles and council members who has been stripped their assets and mansions we're rebelling!"

"This…" Ron confused to a sudden action. Deruth sigh rubbing his temples, "I stripped them just a day ago when I discover that the council members and nobles are planning to harm my children…"

Then they hear a scream which makes him jerked in his seat. Both of them hurriedly left the office and go downstairs. That, they discover an unexpected scene.

A fallen council member kneel down while screamed and cried in pain while holding his missing wrist. A redhead swing his sword midair to remove the blood that stuck in. While a white Butler protecting the two brunettes besides him.

"Baron, there's a limit of my patience. I don't care if you try to harm or kill me."

"But harming my family? Do you have a death wish?" Cale coldly chuckles as the fallen council member shudders in fear in his threatening.

"Don't worry. If you know a priest or a mage, they should be able to reattach your wrist." Cale crouched to the same height as the crying fool, speaking in freezing voice, "But that would only happened after you thrown to the jail later."

His domineering pressure plus his thick bloodlust almost make the fallen council member choked to death. He shudders as he begs,

"P-P-Please spare m-me…"

Cale straightened his back and turn to his siblings who's shivering at the scene. He asked them,

"What do you think, Lily, Basen? He was the one who attempted to harm you. I will listen to the future head of the family."

Basen regains his composure after hearing Cale's question. He gave a command,

"Guards! What are you doing?! Throw him to the dungeon! Call a mage to heal him!"

With that, the guards soon arrived and did as Basen as instructed. Lily run towards Cale as she called out, "Orabuni!"

Cale look at his younger sister then to the sword. He apologize, "Sorry. I got your sword dirty."

"No worries, Orabuni." She took the sword that still has some speck of blood. Cale look at his Butler, said,

"Do the clean-up. Don't let them escape."

Geno smile and bow in respond before he left. Cale climb up to the stairs and look at his father. Or specifically, at his former Butler Ron. He mentally shudders,

'Why is that old man is here?!'

"Cale, are you alright?" Deruth worriedly asked his eldest son. After Cale's change a year ago, this is the first time he saw him being ruthless.

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