Chapter 10

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"So…about the organization, or Arm that you are facing right now is much dangerous than you think. It has more forces and allies around the continent. They conquer the whole Eastern Continent's Underworld."

"Mogoru Empire are allies if these organization. They also made an ally to the north, Bear Tribes, Lion Tribes, Flame Dwarf Tribes, Black Mages, Alchemist, some Dark Elves and Vampires. There are many I could count on."

"In fact, Alchemist Tower is owned by Arm and is actually a dead man a facility where they produces dead man a using people like those who live from the slums or slaves that secretly sold from the tower. Actually…the empire involves about it."


Cale suddenly stop when he heard something cracking. He look at the source, Choi Han was holding the table so hard that is almost destroying it.

Then Choi Han suddenly flinched and let go the cracked table. Cale confuse to his sudden change of mood that he didn't know that Geno look at him in threatening gaze.

He sigh, "Please do not destroy the furniture."

Then continue where he stop, "Anyway, Arm is just a small forces unlike the main one which is inside the gate of the Demon World, found in one of the forbidden region of the Eastern Continent."

"Inside is a kingdom called Enable Kingdom, which ruled by the leader of the organization named White Star. That damn bastard planned to conquer the Western Continent. To do that, he will create a war to weakened or destroy the other kingdoms."

He look at everyone and they look grim to such revelation. Then he smile but what he say next never match his smile,

"Now, let's talk about that White Shit's real purpose as well as his bullshitting past and how everything came to be."

Cale swear as he smile. The words he is speaking does not match the sweet smiling face he was making. Meanwhile, everyone we're surprise to such ridiculous information.

Then he start continue again, "Well, White Star, or should I say Cale Barrow, is a reincarnator. Someone who died and reincarnate many times with memories intact for about a thousand years."

"Well…he was originally a Dragon Slayer, but cursed by the former Dragon Lord by broking the vow that the first Dragon Slayer made with the Dragon Lord. I will not explain about that. I don't know the full details about it. But I know that he wants to be like the Ancient White Star, becoming a God."

"That bastard has only 4 out of 5 natural attributes of ancient powers thus his plate is not balance, unlike mine. Some of my forces make a small mess in the small forces of Arm around the two continents, while planting spies in his base."

"So I got a lot of information about them." He tap the table, "Unlike you guys who's throwing your own lives without knowing the enemies' strength, I am much more prepared."

The room went silent. Throughout the whole time, Cale explain everything. Everyone was feeling kinds of things.

Those who are aware like Geno, Eruhaben, the kids, and Hans who was just accidentally involve Cale's works was not very surprise but for others is not the same.

They didn't even know a lot of things that Cale just said. Choi Han was both mad and sad. He was mad to hear what Arm was doing and he was sad because he was almost dragging them through death to fight Arm without knowing anything about them.

Ron and Beacrox was amused at how Cale know and was worried for him. They didn't want Cale to be involve such danger and that's the reason why they left him for his goodwill. But they would've never guess that he was involve to such situation.

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