Chapter 5

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[Now, to transfer you to that world-]

God of Death suddenly stopped his words to spoke out. Darkness shaken with unknown force. Unable to endure to such force, cracks formed in the darkness.

Cale, who was confined in a large glass orb, open his eyes and saw the event that he will never forgotten in his life.

Under the cracks are transparent tentacles like it was made out of the gathered stars. Simply one of the tentacles can destroy the darkness. Yet 8 transparent tentacles came out through it.

God of Death's voice filled with malice as he frowns, [Who are you?!]

[[You have no rights to know who am I, God of Death. Rather than you, I'll rather be nurtured him to save the 'fallen world' instead.]]

The profound voice that is not a man or a woman echoes around the darkness with the power of superiority. The tentacles grab the large glass orb, slowly dragging towards the cracks.

[I won't let you take him away!]

God of Death attack one of the transparent tentacles. But nothing happened, gives him bewilderment, [How?!]

He look through the cracks, and that, he gets goosebumps. He saw something that should not be seen. He hurriedly averted his gaze.

Once the transparent tentacles returns towards the other side along with Cale who confined in the large glass orb, God of Death gasped in horror. His back drenched with cold sweat. Muttering in fear,

[T-That person…Why is that person taken interest of this puny world?]

The tranquility of silence in the darkness returns with no cracks found. Like everything is just illusion.

Cale woke up from the dream.

Once he open his eyes, the stardust that scatters around the room disappear like nothing happened. He knew the stardust's appearance when he and the kids asleep. Or existence…

Small space crack formed besides him. Then a transparent tentacle, like in his dream earlier, came out through it.

He sit up straight and look down to the average 9-year-old kids, still sleeping in their afternoon nap time. Then he look back to the tentacle, acting as if trying to take his attention.

Cale chuckles through it's action and gave it a pat. He felt soft, at the same time nonexistence. He never used to these sensation even he touch it many times in the past.

"Thank you for protection, Ammutseba."

The tentacle moves as if it welcomes. Then it returns back beyond the cracks then it heals up. Cale look outside the open window. The scarlet light of the sunset illuminates the quiet room.

It was a beautiful sunset.

But to Cale, it gives him a bad taste of memories. Looking at it makes him remember his first life, when the war still occurs.

Someone knocked the door and open it without his permission. He knows who is it and didn't care, still continuing to look at the sunset with sad eyes under his stoic face.

Geno look at Cale who's bathing in the scarlet light of the sunset. Even he saw almost everyday about this beautiful picture, he still badly confused as of why, his lord, shows some sadness every time he look at the sunset outside the window?

Geno never bothers it. But he wanted to ask the young master he serves. Yet his questions always stuck as if something blocks his voice.

"…Sends some spies to check Choi Han and the other's movement."

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