Chapter 14

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‘I can’t believe that this will happened to me!’

Right now, Cale felt an incredible pain that he never felt before. He felt like his inside is crushing and twisting, like someone was crazily ripping inside of him.

Even he felt pain, he can’t feel his body. He feels like he’s been stuck in his place even a finger of his can’t flinched.

And what’s worst of all, his mind became clearer which makes him frustrated.

‘I want to faint right now!’

Too bad…he can’t.

Just as he is in pain, he remember before he became like this…


He found a way to reattach the fragments to the corresponding strings and got the complete record without losing the information from his memories again. He uses his strings to do that, and that works.

After reattaching the strings and knowing and familiarizing his 5th ability, he proceed to the last batch of the strings.

Exactly, it was just two strings.

Well, not typical normal strings.

Those strings are like the ordinary string threads with no dangerous aura and no fragments coming out. It is stand-out among the strings which he thinks that they’re abnormal.

Well, his instincts he develop for over 3 lives kicked in. If he touch one of those strings…

‘I’ll die if I’m not careful…’ He thought.

He look at it. One string is a white-gold thread and another is a purplish-red thread. Those strings are separated from the rest, alone in the corner of the darkness.

Crystallize red strings that is much thinner than the thread slowly approach them. He first try out the white-gold as his intuition is that the string is much safer.

As the string touch it, Cale frozen in his place. Waves of information hit through his mind but this not make his head hurt like the rest of them. He felt like it was cool and refreshing, like a spring wind gently blows on him.

Then this feeling stop, he no longer feel anything. The string leaves it and returns to his hand. Cale organize the new information he got.

‘I feel like an eternity but instant.’ He thought, ‘…The information suddenly cut off for some reason. Only I got a tip of information but this…’

Cale was shocked. It was a vast information in the concept of creation and order, and also some information about the birth of the universe and Gods.

<The universe begins from nothing. The void has everything for the universe to be created but there are two which the universe missing.>

<Two first Gods was born, and with their power of Chaos and Order, few worlds born, then slowly turn to a small galaxy, then few more galaxies, then the universe expanded endlessly in the endless void of nothingness with the two Gods as the center. The birth of the universe was called ‘The Beginning’ in the endless history of the universe.>

<Laws formed and Gods born, doing their job to take care the life of their world under the concept of their Law they born.>

<Two factions formed. World Gods and Outer Gods. To differentiate themselves, World Gods born in their specific worlds and only be tied in their world’s business. Outer Gods are free Gods who can interfere the worlds, they are Laws themselves.>

<The first two Gods, now called the Origins. They later became mysterious in the passage of time. It is the unknown where are their main body right now as their clones do their jobs as the creators and destroyers.>

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