Extra: Snowman

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(Timeline: Before the Elf Village's Incident.)

Snow falls through the sky covering the whole Forest of Darkness. It was a beautiful black-and-white landscape where life stops.

A certain redhead breathe a mouthful of cold air. Footsteps printed through the thick pile of snow. Wearing a black winter clothes and shoulder-length blood red hair covers with black veil flutters in the winter wind contrast the black-and-white world.

Besides him is a white-gold Butler and a purple priestess holding the two cats and a baby black dragon follows besides him and seems to protect the redhead in danger.

Winter is where monsters ate active, hungry predators came out to hunt.

But for some reason, no monsters come to get closer to them. With their survival instinct, they will know how strong they are.

After a couple of minutes of walk, Cale finally stop in exhaustion. He sit from the stone he conjure to rest. The reason he walk around while snow falling is to find a place to play with the kids.

Just in the morning, or literary, in noon, because the kids got panicked that Cale sleeps for a day nonstop, Geno forcefully woke him up. To compensate the children's worries, he will play with them, even he hates to move.

On and Hong turn to human form got down to Geno and Violet's embrace and play in the snow with Raon. They rolled the snowball until it turns big.

The three adults watch them in amusement. The joys if the children makes them happy, even Cale won't admit it.

"Young master, where are you planning to celebrate Christmas?" Geno suddenly asked.

"Isn't it in the Henituse County? Why are you suddenly asked for that?" Violet look at Geno in confusion.

"I plan to celebrate alone with the children." Cale answer which Violet surprise, only Geno seems anticipate to his answer.

Cale's have tendency to be alone by himself or with his children and close aides. And because of that, his subordinates have tendency to get worried at Cale.

Geno smiles brightly, "But my lord, I called all the 12 Zodiac and the Dragon Stars for the Christmas Party I specially prepare."

Then he gloom, "Too bad, we want you to join us but you said you want to be alone…"

Both Violet and Cale look at him in disbelief. Cale can hear her mutters herself, "…You never told me about this, brother."

"Human! Human!" Raon called out Came to gain attention. Hong speaks in excitement, "Cale, look at out snowman!"

"Looking good, right?" On look at him in anticipation. The average 8-year-old kids wants to be praised by their own guardian who takes care of them for over a year.

Cale look at the snowman, he went back his attention to Geno before spokes in menacing, "We'll talk about this later." Then he return back to the snowman.

Geno silently chuckles while Violet still look at Geno in disbelief, 'Brother is changing.'

Both siblings are slaves before they've being save by Cale and the Constellations 3 months ago. Both siblings we're wary towards Cale at first. So to know the Liege they serve, they always stick him together wherever they go. And just 3 months, her brother, who is cold wary before, is changing.

'No, both of us are changing.' Violet thought in a smile. Both siblings look at the children asking their guardian's praises. Asking how good their snowman is.

Cale gives Hong a piggy back ride to put a carrot they got in the dimensional pocket on the snowman's nose. The interaction between the guardian and the children gives the black-and-white world with many colors.

Then suddenly, Geno got hit by a snowball. Violet look at him in blank expression. A baby dragon called them out,

"Candy Bro! Pretty Violet! Come play with us!"

Raon throw another snowball. This time, he throw it towards Violet. Despite her eyes covers with cloth, she easily dodge it. She scoop a handful of snow and make it to snowball before throwing at Raon.

Yet it did not hit on Raon, but instead…

"Fuck! Who throw the snowball at me?!" Cale, who is focusing on the children's creation, hitted by the snowball and got pissed.

"Snowball fight!" The average 8-year-old started throwing snowballs after declaring a fight. Both Cale and Geno pissed and join the fight.

Through their snowball fight, they enjoying the way of their interaction. Laughter makes the cold winter get warm.

After their fight, they went back to make more snowman. Geno and Violet joins with them this time, having a contest on who makes the best snowman.

-Outer Gods' Moments-

???1: Welcome to my Christmas Party, Beast! How's your life as the Outer God?

Beast: Great as ever, Love! Even though there's many 'Fallen Worlds' and abnormalities…

Love: Aw~ Sis, you need a break! Abnormal occurrence gives you mental health problems, you know?

Beast: I'll keep that in mind!

Love: Okay! Have fun in the party!

Unknown God: …Are you bringing the other Outer Gods in a wrong way?

Love: They need a break! Gods can also get tired! Also, welcome to my Christmas Party!

Unknown God: You guys are just lazy.

Love: Also, where's your husband?

Unknown God: …

Unknown God: Still recycling the worlds to new one.

???3: Darling~ I'm here! *Gives a hug behind the unknown God with arms around the waist.*

Love: Welcome to the Christmas Party, Chaos! How's your life as destroyer?

Chaos: Great as ever! As long as Order is by my side, I am content to everything!

Order: *Deadpans* …Please give me a break!

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