Part 1

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Kanan didn't remember much before the  day Jacen was born. He was still in the hospital, bedridden due to his injuries.

The fuel tank had exploded, of that he was sure. He had survived, of that he was less sure. The empire held him in bancta for weeks before he was rescued. Or at least that's what they had told him. He doesn't remember much. He woke up in the med bay and thought he was dead, or dreaming. Despite Hera's reassurancess that it was real. That he was home.

With all the meds and painkillers they had given him he could barely feel the word around him. It was one of the reasons he thought none of this was real. He couldn't feel anyone's presence through the force. The fact that he now had his sight, to him was another indicator that all of this was fake.

It wasn't until they lessened his dosage that the force suddenly exploded to life and Kanan teared up as all the feelings and thoughts of all the people who were around him almost completely overwhelmed him.

With all the force signatures, the feelings and thoughts of everyone in the base attacking him constantly and him still being too weak and feverish, he hadn't notice that Hera had two signatures instead of one. He hadn't realized that there was one signature missing.

He was either sick or high on medication when any of the crew members came to visit him. It was all a blur and the only thing he could register was Hera's warmth, either laying next to him or holding his hand. Her soft lips on his cheek or forehead. Her beautiful voice, the one he had fallen in love with all those years ago, whispering the sweetest of things in his ear. That he would be okay.

Everything and everyone else was a blur and Kanan was too out of it to realize there was someone from the crew missing. One that hadn't come to visit him. One that couldn't. But Hera was carefully concealing the truth as well. The droid had been very persistent on that matter.

"It is important for the patient to remain calm. Stress can have detrimental effects to his health"

So how could she tell him? How should she tell him that the boy they loved, the boy that was so brave, was just...gone? It would break him, and she couldn't loose him too.

A few weeks later, his head was clearer. The med droid announced that it would be for the best that Kanan didn't have many visitors at the time. His immune system was still weak and there was a fear of infection. Only Hera was allowed. She and Kanan talked a lot.

"How much do you remember?" She questioned him one night.

"Not much. Not even when they brought me back here on Yavin. But don't worry. I still remember the most important thing" he smirked.

Hera chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "And what would that be?"

Kanan placed a finger under her chin and brought her forward for a kiss. "That you love me" he whispered.

"Kanan!" Hera hissed and laughed, leaning her forehead against his. She took his hand and brought it to her stomach.

"Can you feel him move? I haven't put too much weight yet but the doctor said-"

"You're... You... pregnant?" Kanan said his mind going blank for a second.

"I told you before. Don't you remember?"

Kanan shook his head and Hera smiled. He brought his hand back against her belly, caressing it.

It was only now that he could feel its presence. The weakest of all the force signatures. But it was calm. Peaceful. Kanan smiled sending his love over it. His smiled deepened as it reflectively reached back to him.

"I love them" Kanan said looking up to Hera who was tearing up.

"Are we really doing this? Having a family together?"

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