Chapter 15

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In the days following Callon's outburst, Thranduil was at a loss as to how to proceed. He couldn't just tell Dís that he loved her now without making it seem as if he were trying to placate the child. Never in his life had he been so frustrated over something that, in the grand scheme of things—was really relatively minor. This was no dragon, or kings-turned-to-undead vengeful monsters. This was a man and a woman who were not communicating. But he couldn't get her to speak to him alone. Each time he tried, she brought Callon or Tauriel with her, though Tauriel would try to escape.

Thranduil desperately wanted to throw something. Drinking was his only other consolation, but there was nothing in the apartment, and if he sent someone to the wine cellar, the news would be all over the city within the hour. He sighed and put down the book he'd been holding on his lap for over an hour without opening.

He paced the confines of the apartment, but all it did was raise his level of irritation.

Finally, he marched across the hall and knocked rather hard on the door. Tauriel opened it, looking anxious and confused.

"My Lord, what's happened?"

"Nothing," he said tersely. "Are you busy right now?"

"I'm having dinner with Callon."

"Oh. Well, when you're done, meet me on the training ground. I feel like sparing."

Tauriel snorted. "You're kidding, right? I am not going to let you use me as a punching bag tonight."

"Tauriel, don't make me order you."

"Order away." She shut the door in his face. Thranduil stared at it in shock for a moment, then knocked again. Callon opened it this time.

"It's a little early for me to be in the bed," she told him, clearly confused as to why he was there.

Thranduil nodded. "I am aware of that, Princess Callon. I need to speak to your mother."

"She's talking to Gram," Callon said. "You want to wait in the sitting room?"

"No," said Tauriel coming up behind the child. "He can wait on the training ground. Dís

said she'll be happy to spar with you."

His eyebrow rose. "I don't want to fight with her."

"Maybe not, but I don't feel like getting beat up by you. Callon, we need to finish our dinner." Tauriel shut the door again, and Thranduil sighed.

Well, it was one way to spend more time with Dís, but not quite the way he had in mind.

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