Scratch that, Friend. New Friend

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T:"Hey dude, theres a worker nearby I'm thinking of turning into a burn mark... what happened."

K:"Failure over here knocked herself offline, always finding new ways to disappoint, aren't you." K was standing by U as she rebooted herself with a disappointed look. When she finished she looked angry

"THAT FUCKER SHOT ME" U looked around the spots they fought for footprints and quickly darted in the direction the footprints were in. T walked over K while questioning U's statement.

"What happened?"

"I dunno."

Nexten was at the colony doors, opening them when he heard the sound of someone landing behind him, he turned around with a nervous chuckle. "ha, hello". He was quickly picked up and slammed into a wall and disarmed, U throwing the railgun into the snow infront of the doors.

"YOUR A WORKER DRONE?!" U had an odd tone, not complete anger, more curiosity. She herself was having a hard time understanding why a worker drone would show any type of remorse to a dissasembly drone. Nexten himself just stayed still in fear, eyes almost completely devoid of hope of escaping. Neither said a word until U heard the sound of her two co-workers flying towards her. She quickly took Nexten and brought him to an abandoned building nearby. Once there she let go of him.

"Wait, your not going to kill me?" Nexten was as shocked as he was relieved.

"I...I don't know, I couldn't seem to bring myself to do it and I didn't want them killing you either." U had a confused look on her face. She had never hesitated to kill a drone, much less one that fried her face, but killing Nexten didn't feel right to her.

"Well, whatever the reason, thank you." U looked up to face Nexten giving his best boy ('v') smile. U's face of confusion only grew at the response though.

"Why are you soo nice to me, I tried to kill you TWICE." U voice sounded angry at the fact that Nexten didn't hate her, which in her eyes would have been completely justified. Nexten himself didn't see that way, as clearly evident by what he said next.

"Well, I haven't had the best life myself, sure it hasn't been filled with death threats like yours, but my mother really doesn't care for me, pretty sure when she let me leave, she was hoping that one of you would come and kill me." He chuckled at himself, talking about his mother wanting him dead felt like reciting a really dark joke. "And since I had no one to help me through the tough times when I needed it, I promised myself that I'd make sure that no one else has to deal with the tough times alone, no matter who they are." They both looked at eachother for a few seconds before U replied.

"Alright, two things. First off is that what you just said was the sappiest shit I have ever heard."

"Yeah, your right, felt like I was an anime protagonist talking about friendship." They both chuckled at the analogy.

"Second off," U grabbed Nexten and brought him in for a hug, "Thank you." Nexten was taken by surprise by the hug, but once the shock factor was over he accepted it and both enjoyed the newly found comfort in knowing they weren't alone in their pain anymore.


The sound of a rocket in the distance had broken both out of their hug. Nexten went to a nearby window to see what was going on. "I need to go, I NEED TO GO."

"What happened"

"THEY FOUND THE COLONY! There was smoke coming out from one of the ceilings being blasted open." Nexten went to sprint towards where his railgun was before being picked up by U.

"One colonial visit coming up." They made sure to pick up Nexten's railgun and tighten the bolts on the door before making their way inside.

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