11. The fake gets faker

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*Fast forward a month*

It has been a month since Mia left London, and Lando and Mia have face-timed every single day. Both have developed strong feelings but both are too scared to talk about it. 

Lando had started racing again and his first race was around the corner, meanwhile Mia is about to start playing field hockey again. 

Tonight is the first training again and Mia is extremely nervous. She hasn't spoken or seen her friends since last year, and none of them had reached out to her. While face-timing Lando he could sense that something was off, he tried to cheer her up which helped a bit in that moment but when Mia arrived at the club she felt a big knot in her belly again. 

Right before practice Mia receives a text message from Lando saying: 
"Literally nothing and no one will ever be out of your league. Nothing is too good for you. Nobody has the right to make you feel like you are not enough or less than you are, you deserve the world. Please remember that, and stay awesome! you can do it! "

with full determination she stepped onto the field but immediately felt like she was stared at. Her previous best friends walked up to her and said "so Mia what have you been up to this past month you were more like M.I.A hahahahaha No but for real, with who are you friends these days?" Mia tried to ignore them and have a good work out until all the comments got the best of her and she said: "I was In London okay hanging out with some really cool people so pleas for once just focus on the game".  The girls gave her a dirty look but didn't say anything. 

After practice the team stayed for a drink and the boys team joined as well. This is probably where things went wrong in their friendship. Mia friends always wanted to hang with the boys and did anything to impress them while Mia stayed true to herself. 

"So Mia tell us about your English friends... Are you sure you are not making it up just to sound cool" one of the girls said extra loud so that her whole team and the boys team heard her. 

In that moment Mia knew that she needed to keep her mouth shut but instead she said "You know what not that it is any of your business but I was hanging with famous you-tubers and racing drivers so just SHUT THE FUCK UP for once! at least I can get a new years eve kiss with someone who doesn't kiss 20 girls each night". Mia stormed off and immediately called Lando.

The Phone Call: 

M: "Lando..." 
L: "Mia are you okay, I can hear that something is off in your voice"
M: "I fucked up Lando, I am so sorry..." she said while crying on the phone. 
L: "He, he, he breath everything will be okay. Tell me everything"
M: "it just those stupid comments my so-called friends make and I just snapped..."
L: "I am so sorry that they make you feel that way, I wish I was there to give you a big hug..."
M: "I sort of told them about us for once I just wanted to shut them up but I am regretting telling them because I know everyone will know about it in no time"
L: "Mia it's fine, don't worry about it. I am not mad okay, I could never be mad at you"

They talked for a few hours until it was already time to sleep. Lando insisted on face-timing Mia throughout the night, that if she woke up from her sleep he would be right there. 

They also decided to see what would happen with Mia's 'friends' knowing about London, instead of acting on it immediately. 

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