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I watched them walk through the class until they stopped at Mia's seat. 

She playfully slapped Jason's arm while giggling.

I really couldn't bear watching that so I looked away to face Katie who was already giving small glances at me worriedly. 

"Well, I-I didn't expect this.." 

I sighed and smiled slightly.

"I mean why should I care? I already got to know about his intentions and feelings the day I got to know that it was a dare, you know? So I'm not surprised, to be honest." I shrugged my shoulders and looked away from her to hide my saddened eyes.

"Look, you can't hide anything from me. I know how sad you are. He shouldn't have moved on so fast.." 

I chuckled sadly.

"What? Moved on from what? It's not like we were dating or anything and the kiss was literally nothing to him, right? So technically he's just— I mean let him be with whoever he wants to be." I looked at him. "Look how happy he is. That's what makes me happy. I may have not have been the reason for his happiness, but I'm glad that he's found someone"

I smiled.

"I-I don't what to say. I mean, still being happy about his happiness even if someone might be the reason for it is pretty brave of you. Some people might have been highly jealous and all but you're just letting it pass." She kept her hands on my hands.

"I don't know about me being brave or anything but if I was not able to give this much happiness to him, there wasn't any use. Look, I might hate Mia but if she's the right one for him then so be it"

"Wow! I mean you're so kind-hearted. You know, at times you inspire me" She smiled.

"Oh shut up! What are you sa—" I chuckled.

"I'm actually serious. The way you tackle things at times and move on and stuff really inspires me. It takes a lot of strength to let go or understand certain things in life, you know?"

"Oh stop, you're gonna make me cry, girl!" I looked at her with teary eyes.

"Haha, I didn't intend to make you cry Mel. I was just stating facts"

"Hehe okay!"

Suddenly, I heard a voice behind Katie.

"Uh, I thought Jason was supposed to be with y—" Aiden spoke while looking at me.

Immediately, Katie covered his mouth with her hand and chuckled nervously.

"Haha, A-Aiden, let's not talk about it!"

"No, it's ok. Let him know," I interrupted.

She raised her eyebrows and I nodded silently.

I explained the exact thing to Aiden that I had said to Katie before.

"Well, that's pretty brave" He nodded slowly.

"I know right?" Katie squealed softly while hugging him. "Our thoughts match so well, right babe?"

"Y-yeah!" He looked at me with a shy face and blushed while seeing Katie hug him tightly.

I smiled looking at them. Being single sometimes makes you feel lonely but is better than being in a complicated type of relationship. 

I decided to catch a small glimpse of Jason to see what going on. The moment my eyes met his presence I realized that he was looking at me already. 

I immediately looked away and pretended to see somewhere else. 

I slightly looked at him with a corner of my eyes to find his lips curving into a small smile. 

I gulped.

"Let's go, Jas!" Mia chirped intentionally loud probably hoping for me to hear her but I tried my best to not get bothered by that.  

I noticed his eyes widen by the mention of the unknown nickname Mia had given him suddenly.

She held his hand and led him out of the class.

I wonder where they went. 

Are they dating? Does he actually like her? Is she using him to gain popularity? Is she doing this to make me jealous? Are they having a fake relationship?

Loads of questions kept coming into my mind one after the other.

I couldn't admit that I was actually bothered by what was happening. No matter how many times I denied it. 

I guess I have to move on, for good.. 




Are Jason and Mia actually having a thing for each other or...?


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