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This is just a quick little Authors note thingymabob, please bear in mind that this is my first fan fiction, so its probably going to be really bad, and at some point I will be taking suggestions and stuff but I might not be for a little bit as I'm starting everything off and bringing some pre-existing ideas to life. if you see errors or have questions or anything just let me know and I'll try to clear it up/fix the mistakes.

Also there are gonna be trigger warnings throughout the story, if that makes you uncomfortable, then that is understandable.  You don't have to read and skip the warnings or anything, it's understandable if you decide to not read.

Trigger warnings:
R@pe and mentions of it.
Sexu@l @ssault.
Possible self-h@rm.
I'll edit this and/or put trigger warnings throughout the story and will try to put trigger warnings before the paragraphs and before chapters and stuff.

At points there is also going to be strong language, I didn't know whether to put that with the trigger warnings or not, but it is an important thing to note.

The description is pretty accurate for what I'm writing but if my ideas change or anything then I'll let the readers know.

As I briefly put in my description, I do not own marvel or any characters other than my OC's. They belong to Stan Lee, and/or whoever owns them now (rip Stan the man).

(also I'm trying to come up with names I can go by as an author and stuff so if any of y'all have suggestions then let me know)

Thanks everybody! Hope you enjoy the book!

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