Chapter 5

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Jades POV
I woke up next to Jack and I got up to get ready to go to Nevada. We were taking a limo because Nevada was only a few hours from where we were.

I took a shower and then put on some sweats and put my hair up in a bun.
"Jackiee poo" I whispered in Jacks ear.
"Jacckkkk wake up" I said a little louder this time.
"Whhhaaatttt" Jack wined.
"You have to get ready so we can leave for Nevada."
"Ugggh okk" Jack said getting up and walking to the bathroom.
I packed up all my stuff and headed down stairs to get some breakfast.
I was checking twitter while eating and I saw Jack tagged me in a post.
It was the selfie we took last night and it said,
'Had a great night with the best last night❤️😘'
I smiled at it. Im so happy that we're dating now I can't even explain it.
Once I put my phone away, Hayes had gotten his breakfast and was sitting with me.
"So what's up with you and Jack" Hayes asked me.
"Nothing..." I said smirking.
"Are you guys dating? Spill it!"
"Yeah well yeah. He asked me out last night."
"Awwwww that's so sweet" Hayes said making kissing faces.
"Ugh Hayes stop" I said playfully hitting him.

Once all the other guys finished breakfast, we got in the limo and started driving.

When we got to Nevada, we went to the hotel and this time, we only had to share our room with one other person, so I shared with Jack.
"Hey Jade, wanna go to the beach?" Jack asked me.
"Yeah sure." and with that, I got on his back and we went to the beach.
We walked down the shore and I decided to kiss him on the cheek.
He started laughing. He's so cute.


After the beach, I decided we all needed a little "nap time" so I went around to all of the guys rooms and said, "MOVIEEE NIIGGGHHHTT IN MY ROOM."

I went back into my room and Jack was in there playing on his phone. Soon all the other guys started coming in.

"What movie do we wanna watch?" I asked the guys.
"The Conjuring!" Nash shouted.
"Um ok" I said trying to act brave. I hate scary movies but whatever.
I ran down to the movie store to get it and brought it back to the room.
Of coarse there was only two beds so we all tried to fit on them.
I cuddled up with Jack in one with Nash and Cam siting on the end.

The movie started and I was already kinda scared. At every really scary part or gross part, I hid my face in Jack's chest. I ended up falling asleep before the movie was even over.

I woke up with Jack on my side sleeping. I rolled over on my side and checked my phone. 3:27.
Great now I was wide awake and wasn't going to be able to go back to bed. We had one of those big hotel rooms where the couch and kitchen are separated from the bedroom.

So I quietly went out of the bedroom and shut the door quietly. I went into the kitchen area and got myself a water. As I was walking back to the room, I tripped over Jacks shoe and fell hard to the ground.
"Ouch" I cried. Then I heard the bedroom door open.
"Jade?" Jack said mumbling.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I said.
Once Jack came to his senses he realized I was on the ground.
"Oh my god Jade! Are you okay?" Jack asked helping me up.
"Yeah I'm fine I just tripped and hit my head" I said feeling my head realizing there was a bump.
"Here I'll make it better" he kissed my forehead.
He came back and looked me in the eyes.
Then he kissed me. Not just a normal kiss. It was passionate. It turned into a heated make out session which went on for about 3 minutes.
"Okay let's go to bed." Jack said as we pulled away and he took my hand.

I went to sleep as happy as can be.....

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