Tic Jokes

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Here's a short chapter of me being a tourettic nerd and telling dumb jokes that might make you smile a bit:)

What do you call a cow with Tourette's?
Beef jerky!

What do you call a T-Rex with coprolalia?

How do some doctors treat PANDAS?
With anti-bio-tics!

"What do we want?" "A cure for Tourette's!" "When do we want it?"

I once met an alien that made a lot of random motions
He was an extra-Tourette's-trial!

What do you get when you mix a public speaker and a person with Tourette's?
A clock! One provides the tic, the other provides the talk

I love these kinds of jokes so much lmao

If you have any more please leave them in the comments!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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