Chapter 54

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"So, what do you want to do today, Ciara?" Elias asked as he and a younger guard followed closely behind her.

"I am not sure."

Since having returned, things had returned to their old rhythms. Only, they'd also become better.

Alex and Elias - though mostly Alex - had demanded the two of them were reinstated as her daily guards at the very, very least half the time. So, it was decided that during the days, she would alternate between the two of them and another extra guard of the young ones.

Naturally, Victoria and the Dragon Slayers hadn't been too excited by her return. She was practicing ignoring them, but it was difficult, even with her father's words ringing in her mind.

She'd barely turned the first corner, however, before she was stopped.

"Ah, I caught you," a familiar voice in an unfamiliar setting spoke ahead of her.

Naturally, her eyes widened in shock.

"Your majesty!" she blurted out just a little too quick. "What are you doing out here?"

Honestly, she could probably count on her fingers the amount of times she'd seen the man outside the throne-room or in the office. And that, of course, included his very own chambers, in which she too slept every night still.

A faint smirk appeared on his face. "What? I cannot wander my own castle, now?" he asked. "I came in the hopes of catching you before you went off somewhere."


He nodded. "Indeed. I figured we could catch up on that cup of tea we did not have the chance to get a while ago," he calmly explained. "After having witnessed that kingdom of yours, I am curious to learn more about it."

She blinked once, processing the information. Wasn't this exactly what she'd wanted all along? And she had absolutely no plans for the day.

"Yes! I would love to!"

He smiled. "Good, because I already ordered a maid to bring the tea to our chambers," he told her, already starting to move back towards said chambers. "It should be ready within short time."

She looked at Elias, grinning at the encouraging nod she received in return. He knew just as well as she did just how important this was for her.

So, she followed the king with light steps, for once not minding the silence between them.

They quickly reached the chambers again - especially seeing as she'd only just left it. He turned to the two guards once they stood at the door. He said nothing, only briefly met their gazes before turning and opening the door for her.

She quickly stepped past him and inside, suddenly not knowing what to do with herself. He quickly came to her rescue, though.

"I ordered for the tea to be brought to the coffee table, so go ahead and make yourself comfortable."

She nodded and quickly moved to place herself in one of the chairs. She was completely stiff with her hands neatly folded in her lap.

He remained silent as well as he casually made his way to the sofa across from her. He made no move to say anything as he made himself comfortable, though.

Alas, she kept her eyes steadily staring at the still empty table, praying that the maid would come quickly.

There were so many things she wanted to tell and teach him, but at the same time she feared doing too much would bore him. She didn't know what he already knew or what he wouldn't want to know. She didn't want to lose his interest now she'd finally gotten it.

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