Chapter 62

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Ciara felt her mind clear lightly, but only enough to understand just how hazy it actually was.

She had no clue where she was and no matter how much she blinked, all her eyes could see was the deepest of black. She could feel both her hands and feet bound with rope, and a gag in her mouth.

She was suddenly lurched to the right when the floor jumped under her. The short rush of adrenaline was enough to awaken her senses.

She could smell the faint scent of frost. Felt the chill weave up her nostril and throughout her body. Hear a horse's hooves stamp on what undoubtedly had to be a thick layer of snow.

A wagon?

"It really was a good plan. We got out so easily," someone spoke outside.

His words sent a wholly different chill through her bones. The memories had her mouth go dryer than it already was.

"I do not like the thought of the next part, though," another said.

She froze where she lay. What next part was he talking about?

"Why? When she is dead everything will go back to what it is supposed to be. She is not just some innocent girl, you know."

Her eyes widened as white-hot adrenaline rushed through her again. She had to do something.

She quickly twisted her hand, searching for some way to loosen the ropes. But there was no leeway to be given. She huffed as she reached up with her fingers, trying to guide one strand down over it. It wouldn't budge. She would much sooner have pulled her skin off in the attempt.

If she could get her hands to the front rather than her back, she might be able to do something.

She curled up in the smallest ball she could manage. Still she couldn't force her hands past her bottom. No matter how thin the material she was wearing. The ropes only dug deeper into her skin the more she tried.

She stared into the dark. She was pretty sure there was nothing else but her in here. Could any of the wooden walls have a sharp edge? No, those men would hear her long before she would've found anything.

Could she reach her feet? If nothing else, she might be able to run.

Lying on her side, she arched her back as far as she possibly could. Only for her head to hit the wall. This space was much too cramped.


"This is far enough," a voice spoke out, halting her struggle.

Only for her to begin the desperate search for a splinter on the floors and walls. Her fingers met a perfectly flat surface.

She flinched when the doors were violently thrown open, letting the cold air settle over her. As though it was telling her just to give it up.

She stared at the man with wide eyes. He stared back at her with a growing smirk.

"Good morning, princess."

She scooted over in a corner out of pure reflex. He only shook his head. He grabbed the rope at her feet and roughly dragged her across the wooden door. He didn't care when she screamed into the cloth, a splinter digging into her thigh.

He threw her onto the cold ground on her stomach. The cold seeped through her meek robe. She raised her head, seeing four sets of boots surrounding her as though she was prey.

"You three take care of this, I will keep watch," the second voice, the one who hadn't liked it, said. His boots immediately left, leaving her with little hope for mercy.

"Was he always such a coward?" one of them asked.

She didn't care much for the answer. She tore at the ropes at her feet, uncaring that it tore at her skin. All thoughts but one were frozen; she had to escape. Even the sound of one of them unsheathing a blade didn't make her halt.

"Well, now. Never knew you were this feisty," one chuckled, stepping closer. "Even you must realize that is impossible."

She gritted her teeth, pulling harder at the ropes.

She halted all movement when she felt cold steel against the nape of her neck. If he pressed any harder, it would draw blood.

"Oh, finally gave up, did ya?" he said. "Perhaps I should have a little fun with you."

She swallowed when she felt the pressure of the steel increase. Her skin broke and warmth spilled down her shoulders. The steel left her then and she dropped her forehead to the snow. Hoping the cold might be able to numb her senses. All of them, preferably.

She felt the side of the blade glide against her shin, towards the ankles. She gasped when cold air brushed against the raw skin. He had cut the rope at her ankles.

"So, what will you do now, princess?"

Should she run? Try to escape? No, it would make no sense. Apart from the fact they could outrun her, she knew they had their spears on them as well. Dragon Slayers always did. Unless they let her, she wouldn't even get to her feet.

"How boring," the man with the knife muttered when she remained on the ground. "You are no fun."

She could hear him rise and knew he was preparing for the final blow instead. Clenching her eyes shut, she braced herself.

A spurt of warm liquid and the gurgling sound behind her had her eyes wide open again. She looked up just in time to see the man behind her fall to the ground, dead. Spear pierced through his neck.

For the shortest and yet longest moment, she was frozen on the spot. Couldn't look away.


She whipped her head in the direction the spear had come from. Sure enough, several men with skin so dark they almost disappeared in the dark of night stalked into the clearing. The remaining Dragon Slayers immediately drew their weapons, turning from her.

The situation reminded her all too much of the one when she'd only just arrived. The sounds, the smells - they were all the same. And this time, she was without Kaisog.

The opposing sides rushed each other, blades screeching against the other.

She didn't know if it was the right course of action, but she sprung to her feet and ran. As fast as she could. Her heart was pounding so loudly in her ears she could hear nothing else.

She didn't even hear her pursuer before he tripped her to the ground. Wide-eyed, she stared up at the unfamiliar man.

She didn't know which scenario she preferred at that moment. The Dragon Slayers or the Barbarian. Neither were known for their mercy.

Yet, with the silence that now reigned the area, she knew she didn't have a say in the matter.

The last thing she saw was that dark silhouette before a sharp pain erupted from the back of her head.

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