Chapter 59

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"I never thought I should say this, but the kid is honestly adorable," Alex said as they watched Basuril curl up to Sunrose, snuggling into her warmth and getting ready to go to sleep for the night. Kaisog was out hunting for something to eat for all of them and would probably be back before long.

"There is no shame in admitting he is adorable - I have yet to hear anyone say otherwise." She smiled warmly at how Sunrose curled around the tired hatchling protectively.

"True." He crossed his arms. "I am more surprised he can sleep without getting cold - the ground is covered in snow these days." He breathed out a white cloud to accentuate his point.

"Well, dragons do not freeze like we do. Their scales keep them warm just as robes do us," she explained. "Besides, he has got a bit of fire in him as well, so there is nothing to be worried about." She rubbed her hands together under her long robe. She sure could've used some warm scales as well right now.

Alex noticed and placed a hand on her back, turning her around. "Well, unfortunately not all can be that lucky." He guided her back towards the castle once she had waved goodnight to Sunrose. "It is fun to think Sunrose and Kaisog were once that small as well - though he is still just as playful as his kid," he pointed out with a snort of laughter.

She giggled as well. "Yes, it does seem a little impossible, does it not?" She could hardly imagine any of them so small. It'd also been more than a century. Sunrose, for one, looked no different than she had the day she and Aem had found each other. Personality-wise as well.

The two made it inside quickly, escaping the evening darkness and cold, swapping it for the comfortable warmth of the flames lining the walls.

"Oh, this is much better." Alex shook off the cold.

The two looked up once they heard voices ahead. It was Victoria, who was speaking quite seriously with a pair of Dragon Slayers. Not loud enough for them to hear what was being said, though.

The Royal Guard next to her sighed deeply. "Funny how such an unlikely combination has become so likely lately." His eyes narrowed suspiciously at them, trying to hear what they were speaking of.

She sighed as well and shrugged. "I do not care to worry about Victoria any more than strictly necessary." She was already starting to move in another direction and away from the woman in question. Alex hesitated for a moment, then caught up.

"That is also the best you can do to handle her." He fell into step next to her. "So, what is the plan now? You walk like someone with a purpose."

She smiled lightly, the idea having struck her just now. "I think I am going to ask Lodin if he has the time for a cup of tea before calling it a night," she said thinking about how Lodin had been working in their chambers the other night. Maybe he'd be able to do that again.

Besides, with how much he was always working, she worried he didn't get enough time to rest. During his waking hours, she'd never seen him just take a walk or talk with somebody without it being related to kingdom-affairs.

"Oh, that sounds like a good idea, Ciara." Alex was bouncing on his feet. Even if he seemed to be double her age, he really still clung to such childish ways of expressing himself. Still, that was one of the things she really liked about him.

She nodded. "Is it not? I figured he could use a little bit of time off from everything."

"Certainly, but I do not believe that would be the reason he would state if he does agree to it," Alex' gaze was filled with meaning that she wasn't sure she interpreted right. "He really has begun taking a liking to you, you know."

She snorted and shook her head. So that was what he meant. "I hardly think he does as much as you think he does."

She could feel that smile of his burning a hole in the side of her head. "Are you so sure about that?" He continued before she got the chance to confirm that. "He did listen to your suggestion and has implemented it already, this being despite the fact that the Commander has worked to do just that for years."

She sighed lightly. "Oh please, I was just the last drop - I was half-asleep besides! That is all thanks to Sergon's hard work."

Which naturally elicited a sigh from Alex as well. "Then tell me why it is he would invite you to talk himself, let you call him by his first name, why he personally went to the Dragon Kingdom on the back of a dragon to convince you to return. Why he would willingly step on the dance-floor so long ago, and ask for you every day you were unconscious after you were struck by that arrow," he quickly listed up before she could formulate any sort of reply to any of them.

She was speechless, though. He had dug such old things up - and back then she and Lodin certainly hadn't been on the terms they were now. Those things had probably just been out of formality and keeping up appearances more than anything else.

She shook her head at him again, smiling at his eagerness to prove her wrong. "I still do not think you are right."

She had no doubt Lodin had started to like her much more recently - and likewise reversely - but it really wasn't as much as the Royal Guard imagined. They were only just starting to become friends, after all.

Alex chuckled and shrugged. "Well, you can go and ask him now, then - I want you to know I am right." He gestured to the office-door as they reached it.

She rolled her eyes as he got comfortable on the wall next to it.

"Ask him yourself. You are the one who wants to know, I am not," she shot back before quickly knocking on the door, barring any protests he might have come up with.

"Who is it?" came the quick reply from the other side.

"Ciara. May I enter?"

"Go ahead." His gaze met hers as soon as she stepped inside. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

She was glad to find him alone in the room - if Narza had been here, there would've been no doubt what the reply would've been. She'd already tried that once.

"I was simply wondering if you would be off early enough for a cup of tea or something like that?"

Even she could see how his eyes softened in disappointment as he leaned back.

"Unfortunately, I will be quite late again tonight - Narza is working me to the bone," he answered, his voice not portraying the same emotions his eyes did.

"Oh." The answer was one she'd expected, yet she'd really hoped not.

"Sometime soon, though," he spoke up again. "I will make sure to have some free time one of these days, so let us do it then."

She beamed at him again. "Certainly! I will be looking forward to it."

A faint smile grew even on his lips at her blatant show of enthusiasm. "Good," he simply said. "And do not wait up for me either."

She sent him another smile. "Okay, not today."

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