When I woke up all I could see was my boyfriend, my parents, and some of my closest friends. My throat was so sore I don't know how to explain it, but everyone wanted to hear me speak. As soon as the nurse came in to run some tests all chaos began. People where asking left and right when I would be able to speak and if the surgery went well and if it worked. It was so chaotic that the security guards had to come in to handle it. When everyone was gone ,after being ushered out, the nurse began putting needles into me and asking me questions like, " so how are you feeling","what hurts" and so on. As she pricked the needle in the middle of my back I let out a screech of pain. And she laughed and said, "I see your voice is working fine." Then finally after hours of waiting the doctor came in and told me the news. " Your voice is fine and you can speak, but you do need speech lessons since you haven't spoken for so long." I accepted the news and then the worst came.
The Cancer
AcakA girl who lost her voice at age 5 gets her voice back and then her life just goes downhill from then out.