18. urban festivals and feelings

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i unlocked the board for kieran n elliot's book on pinterest so u should

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i unlocked the board for kieran n elliot's book on pinterest so u should. like check that out i will add the link in the comments. i called it 'like real people do' bc hozier. 

there's something wildly therapeutic abt advertising my pinterest boards on here i would shut up abt them but also,,, no </3



That's what I feel after only a couple of days at Ronya's place. This lightness is a lot. It's more than the lightness I always feel around the Greenport Gang. In fact, this lightness has more to do with Zahra catching my eyes more often than not, or her taking my hand to show me something that she finds exciting.

This feeling of lightness undoubtedly has more to do with Zahra Aziz than I'd like to admit. 

After wandering around the city a couple of days ago, the Greenport Gang was so burned out that we opted out of heading over to the WaterFire event that day. However, today, we're definitely heading to the festival.

It's six pm and we're sauntering down the streets of Providence, the slight breeze tousling at our hair. We've been exploring the entire day, wandering from place to place, losing ourselves in the city and slipping into different buildings when something in the window display catches our eyes.

It's been everything, really. Our laughs are easy, we're talking about all the serious things and all the bright things like our favorite parts about being in Providence so far or musings about where we have to go next.

Zahra and I haven't had this overwhelming wedge between us. The back of her hand brushes mine as we walk as though it's second nature. And it's nearly the exact same energy between us as it was before we fell apart.

But there's a slight shift. Not a grand one. After all, it feels like something that was always there, but is now just increasingly vibrant and present and dominating. I can't really explain it.

Although, I've never exactly been great at explaining my feelings, or at least, what's behind them.

Elliot is talking to Josiah about a film project he's working on. He offers me a slight grin as their conversations plows onwards. He sent me the picture he took of me. I have it on my phone, not exactly sure what to do with it.

All I know is that it's me, and I'm euphoric in the image, so I want to keep it. Maybe just for safekeeping, and maybe just for days when I don't feel as euphoric.

Azul and Sadie are verbally fantasizing about the street food places they're ready to take over once we get to WaterFire.

And by the looks of it, the event starts soon. The night falls quickly, and we make our way towards the river of downtown Providence. It's where WaterFire comes alive.

People are already gathered around. I see people with their arms wrapped around each other as the wind blows past them, someone holding onto the scarf of another person and tugging them close. 

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