The witch misses her hero

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This event take place after Luz arrived at the boiling isle and meet some great friends.

Third person POV
In the forest of the boiling isle, There's a house and it's not just an ordinary house but a magical house that was called the owl house. It was guarded by Hooty and the owner of the  house was none other than the great eda the owl lady. She was the most powerful witch in the boiling isle and she has issues with the emperor's coven who was lead by the evil emperor belos. Luz was accidentally went to the portal and travel to the boiling isle. She did meet eda when eda tried to sell human junk. Eda showed Luz the boiling isle which amazed Luz even more. Then, Eda companion that was King. Some say he was the king of demons but some say his origins where unknown. Important thing was that he was cute and Luz always gave King the love of a pet. Luz have three friends that includes willow, Gus and Amity. She met them at Hexside that was school for witches. Well she had the greatest adventure in the boiling isle for become a witch just like her hero Azhura. She really liked that book and that's how she and Amity became good friends all because of a library incident. But she felt empty, Empty because her love was at the human realm. She wishes to tell him about her past adventures in the boiling isle but no response. She was afraid that he will tell her mother about her whereabouts. She was hoping to see him again and tell him that she misses him so much. She will never forget adventures she had with Ron.

Now we see Luz in her room scrolling her phone as she looked through her gallery. It was all her photo adventure when she and Ron went through during the summer.

I missed him so much. I never thought that love is difficult at the start but when you miss someone you care the most that's when it hurt you the most. True that i do miss my mom but Ron i couldn't imagine my life without him. He was always there for me when i needed him the most. I missed being with him and his aliens too. I hope the superhero thing didn't pressure him too much. Well what can i say, He was a hero to all and a hero to me. MY HERO. MY EL AMADO.

Luz: I miss you so much Ron.(she scroll her phone as she watched the photos)

Luz: I want to tell you about my adventures but im afraid that you will be angry of me. I hope you understand.(talking to herself)

Luz: I still remember the kiss you gave before and it was amazing.

I was about to go to this summer champ and my mom was finished give me advice about growing up but then Ron arrived.

Ron: Hey Luzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!

Luz: Ron??? What are you doing here???

Ron: I came here to say goodbye to my lovely lady but before you go ummmm there is Something i wanted to give you.

Luz: Um mom can you give us some privacy.

Camille: Ohhh yes i forgot i have work to do so i leave you two alone. Bye sweetie and have fun at camp.(she kissed Luz and went to work).

After mom left, Ron then gave me back the book that i had thrown away.

Luz: Huh???but why did you????

Ron: Don't change for who you are babe. Just be yourself and be the person i loved the most.

Luz: Awwwwwww that's so sweet of you El amado.

Ron: Hey what can i say, i am dating the awesome girl in school right(he winked)

Luz: Ohhhhh you come here.(she pulled him into a kiss)

Im glad i found someone like him. A supportive and kind man always there to save the day. The kiss lasted 15 minutes until we broke apart.

Luz: Well gotta get going. The bus is arriving soon.

The Witch and The Hero: The owl house crossover(Luz x OC reader)Where stories live. Discover now