The coven's assault

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Third person POV
Inside Ron's dreams
Ron: Urghhhhhhh where am i???

Ron just appear in a black void with nothingness towards him.

Ron: Well just great.(he groaned)

Ron tried to walk forward but suddenly arrived in a different location.

Ron: Huh wasn't this place just a black void just now or........

He realised that he was at the alleyway.

Ron: Wait this is the alleyway that i got............


Lockdown: I finally found you Ron.

Ron was shocked seeing lockdown came out out of nowhere and approach him.

Lockdown: There's no where to Run and no where to hide.

Ron tried to dial his Ultimatrix but it didn't work.

Lockdown: It's useless boy. You're all alone.

Ron: You don't know yet because when my watch go active im gonna kick your butt.

Lockdown: Oh really the last time we fought you were merely injured by me.

Ron was surprised the last encounter with lockdown nearly took his life.

Ron: Well IM NOT AFRAID OF YOU.(He yelled)

Lockdown: Oh you will because i will find you Ron Ambrose.

As lockdown charged towards Ron when suddenly a voice can be heard.

....: Im been Waiting for you........

....: Come met your MASTER........


I just woke up from a horrible nightmare but i felt like it was real and it warned me about something. Lockdown was no kidding about hunting me down but who was he working for and why try to kill me.

Maaannnn i felt my body sweating and i realise that im in Luz Room. It's night time and everyone in this house were asleep. I just keep thinking that dream and that voice. She say that she was my master. IM NOT A SLAVE......

.....: you ok Ron???

I noticed that Luz suddenly woke up. She was sleeping next to me and it's kinda cute btw seeing her sleep beside me. She was worried sick about me when she saw me sweating heavily.

Ron: Yeah im good. It's just some nightmare but it felt like real to me.

Luz: Don't worry about it Ron. It's just a nightmare it will go away eventually.

Im happy that Luz is here to comfort me when i was on dark times. She always been there for me when i needed the most since the day we met.

Me and Luz now snuggle eachother to enjoy each other company while we continue our conversation but suddenly i asked her.

Ron: Luz, Did you have nightmares???

Suddenly her face turns into a sad frown.

Luz: Im not gonna lie but i do have nightmares Ron.

Ron: So you want to tell me about it.

Luz then signed in defeat.

Luz: Well it's about my mom Ron.

Ron: What about your mom???

Luz: You know i miss my mom Ron. Since i got here, I was excited that i was able to learn magic just like Azhura but then i......i...... kinda miss home you know.

The Witch and The Hero: The owl house crossover(Luz x OC reader)Where stories live. Discover now