A carnival date (Flashback version)

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I woke up and realize it was morning already. I started to look around my surroundings and saw Luz sleeping peacefully beside me. Man last night was awesome when we're telling stories, talking about dreams and nightmares really help a lot. Seeing her sleep makes me think that im the luckiest man alive having her as my girl but suddenly........

Beep beep beep unknown DNA detected.

I pulled over my blacket to see king messing with my Ultimatrix.

King: How do you even work this thing Ron???

Ron: AHHHHHHHHHH (I was jump in fear because King sudden appearance)

Well that didn't go well because I distrub someone beauty sleep.

Luz: .....Yawn..... Babe what's wrong and why were you screaming early in the morning???

Ron: Oh sorry babe it's just that someone came here without knocking and trying to mess with my watch. (I glanced at king)

King: Whatttttt i came here just to wake you guys up so i bust in without knocking but then i saw how cute you guys cuddling eachother.

It make both me and Luz blushed red and look away from eachother with embarrassment.

King: Awwwwww you guys blushed.

Ron: Sh......shut up King.

King just laugh at me while Luz giving me a good morning kiss.

I blushed at the fact that i miss her kisses so much.

Ron: Mannnn i do miss that morning kiss from you babe.

Luz: Oh you don't have to tell me twice Ron.

I get up and head to the window to see the morning view of the boiling isle but i was interrupted by an unexpected scare.



I accidentally punched Hooty in the face.

Hooty: Oouchhhhhhhh that hurts.

Ron: Oh gosh sorry Hooty i didn't mean to punch you.

Hooty: Geezzzz why can't just anybody be sensible about hurting me.

Ron: Well why can't you just be sensible about scaring people by surprising them unknownly.
(I glared at him).

Hooty: Well you make an excellent point there.

Man Hooty is weird.

Hooty: Anyway Eda say that breakfast is ready so yeah you two should head down before it gets cold.

Luz: Thanks for the heads up Hooty. We will be down in a few.

Hooty: Okey dokey.

Hooty then left the room follow by king as well.

King: Well i better head downstairs now.

Luz: Ok king my cute king of the demons.


Luz: Oh yes you are.

Luz suddenly picks up King and kisses him on his face. Man i do get jealous when does that to anyone but me.

King then saw me and has a smirk look on his face.

King: What are you looking at???

Ron: Nothing of your concern King.

King: It's seem someone is jealous.

Ron: No im not!!!!!

King laughed and left the room.

The Witch and The Hero: The owl house crossover(Luz x OC reader)Where stories live. Discover now