Remembering the past Part I(Rise of a hero)

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This was the age of Luz and Ron in this chapter:

Luz:10 year's old

Ron:10 year's old

Third person POV
Its summer vacation, A vehicle called the rust bucket just parked nearby the forest. We can see that an old man just came out from the rust bucket to breathe some fresh air. His name was Bruce Ambrose. He looked around the area only see peace and quiet perfect for camping for the summer.

Bruce: Aahhhhhhhh the fresh air feels so good today.

He then called two kids inside the rust bucket.

Bruce: Ohhhhhh kids come on out.

Then, A young boy came out from the rust bucket followed by a young latina girl.

Ron: Wow Grampa this view is amazing.

Luz: Yeah Grampa Bruce the view is quite amusing.

Bruce: Glad you kids like the view because we will be camping here for tonight.

Luz and Ron: YEAYYYYY!!!!!

They went outside to get some fresh air but then bruce want to prepare lunch for the kids.

Bruce: Ok now im gonna head inside and prepare our lunch while you two set up the plates. Ok???

Ron: Ok Grampa.

Luz: Ok Grampa Bruce.

Bruce then head inside the rust bucket and  left Luz and Ron alone together. After they finished set up the plates, Luz broke the silence to start the conversation with Ron.

Luz: Hey Ron, thank you again for inviting me to join you going on this trip during the summer.

Ron:No big deal Luz, You are my best friend after all. Besides, this trip will be moreeeee boring without you.

Luz giggles at Ron hilarious act when he say that.

At school, Luz didn't have that many friends. Some of them only ignore her and some will bully her but that all change when a boy came into her life and saved the day. Ron and Luz became best friend's. They always went lunch together and play together. Their bond was so strong that they will always there for each other. But when summer came, Ron had the courage to invite Luz to join him on a summer vacation with his Grampa bruce which she accepted. Luz was happy that she able to find a good friend like Ron.

Ron was at the lake playing skipping stones while Luz was reading her favourite book.

Ron: Still reading that book???

Luz: Yeah, Azura was an awesome witch.

Ron:Wow i never knew you were interested reading this book Luz.

Luz: Yeah, it keeps company from the world of reality.

Ron: Well don't you worry Luz because i will always keep you company.

Luz: Thanks Ron.

Bruce: Hey kids lunch is ready.

Luz and Ron ate their lunch and also talked about their school with Grampa Bruce. After that, Luz and Ron were playing together at the lake and enjoy themselves.

During nightfall
The trio were about to set up the campfire. Each of them have their own task. Bruce prepare the coal , Luz prepare the marshmallows and Ron finding some wood for the campfire.

I was in the forest trying to collect some wood for the campfire. Oh man i can't wait to eat marshmallows. But then, something strange happen. I saw a meteor came crashing down in the forest. Well i have to go and check it out by myself so the marshmallows can wait.

The Witch and The Hero: The owl house crossover(Luz x OC reader)Where stories live. Discover now