Chapter 16: Shot After Shot

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Our sideline went into a frenzy as Mo, a freshman, flew upfield. The returner began closing in on him when number 40, out of nowhere dropped his shoulder and trucked the returner. 
"Ooooh!" The entire sideline whooped as 40 stared down the returner. Mo looked over his shoulder, before strutting into the end zone, only to be piled on by the rest of the punt team.

"WHO'S 40?" Coach screamed. "BRING ME 40!" I couldn't remember who it was either. He was too light-skinned to be Wes or Arlo, too short to be Knox, and I couldn't remember there even being a number 40 on our team. After listening to the 'he's a freshman' chants for a solid minute and a half, I saw 40 unlatch his helmet to get heaping praise from Coach, revealing his face. 

Certainly it couldn't be... it is! That murder we just witnessed could be credited to CJ Gant, the long snapper! Not only did he pull off the sneakiest direct snap to Mo any of us had ever seen, but he also hustled upfield and laid down the touchdown block!

"Ravens fake the punt, direct snap to number 20, Gulliermo Hart III, running it 67 yards for a Raven touchdown. Miles Horford on for the extra point, Gant snapping, Chandler holding.

CJ and Miles filled out the extra point paperwork, and just like that, we were tied up. Evan had long taken over my duties as holder, seeing as the coaches were not keen on letting their starting quarterback do anything but the big plays.

I watched from the bench, a ball cap on my head, my hands stuffed in my hand warmer, as Miles pounded the ensuing kickoff through the upright, we all yelled 'it's good', and the defense came onto the field.

Long Lake's offense wasn't anything special. Led by a sophomore QB and a ragtag offensive line, their only claim to fame was Davion Bone, a killer running back known for head-hunting our DB's.

And head-hunt he did. On the first play of the series, he lowered his head and dropped Marcus Kidworth's IQ by about 20 points. Poor kid, that was probably all he had left.

After paint began coming off of Marcus's helmet, they decided to give DeMarcus a rep at corner, DeMarcus stepped in, found he could shut down a varsity reciever, and Marcus wouldn't see the field for the rest of the game. 

After another first down, a Nick Paulick sack, a tipped pass by DeMarcus, and Darius seemingly cheating with how fast he read a 3rd down screen, the Tigers were forced to punt. After a lot of suspicion by our return team, and Chase Lovato screaming every swear in the book at the Tiger gunner, the snap actually went to the punter, and the ball actually went in the air towards PJ.

Pajama Shoes showed out this time, tearing straight through two tacklers and dodging a still-swearing Chase Lovato who was determined to kill number 26 on Long Lake. PJ was ran out of bounds, but before I could lead the O onto the field, Coach Joey stopped me.

"We got something in mind with DeMarcus. Hang on for a snap here, buddy."

I saw DeMarcus line up under center. This kid was mega-talented.

"Bla-aaack fowty-tooo! Bla-aaaack fowty-tooo!" DeMarcus yelled in what was probably the most ashy voice I had ever heard.

"Go!" DeMarcus shouted, before pulling a handoff to Blake and keeping it for himself. DeMarcus sprinted down the field before being tossed out of bounds by the same linebacker that trucked me earlier.

"Spread rip F! Spread rip F!" Geo screamed as some dude on the sidelines I didn't recognize karate chopped the air and shot us some finger guns.

"Spread rip F PA Slants Tight Speedo." The huddle broke after getting the lengthy play call.

"Black 16! Ooooooone eighty! S'hut!"

We fired off the line. I dropped back into the pocket. Let's see if I can find who's open before I get sacked. 

DeeDee was in triple-coverage. Nope.

Norm was smothered. Not there either.

Blake just got his head taken off by a blitzing linebacker. Time to act fast.

There's Tad. I fired him a fastball. He turned around and caught it like a gun in a holster. Tad ran upfield, dropped his head, and cracked a defensive back like an egg. The DB crumpled to the ground, trying to grab Tad's ankles. Tad shook himself free before eating another would-be tackler's attempt. It finally took 3 men to bring all 78 inches of Tad to the ground, giving us a 6 yard gain.

We cruised down the field, with a big haul from little-used receiver Kyle Shanks and Tad nearly vaporizing the same DB. After Quentin Farmer got a few carries due to Blake getting tired, we set up on a big third down. Zach Sunney, the same linebacker that had taken everyone's head off so far this game, was staring me down, thinking about smearing me.

"Right full tights! Right full tights!" Geo shouted as I recognized the signaller to be the backup's backup's backup punt returner, Max Kowalski. Max patted his chest and pretended to blow bubbles as Dylan Guevara ran onto the field for Knox.

"Right full tights 50 bubble screen. Right full tights 50 bubble screen." I laid it out to the huddle. We lined up, with both Tad and Dylan lining up as tight ends to the right of the line. Their 80 and 81 jerseys made them look like 2 peas in a pod, almost identical. Quentin lined up to my right.

"Ready ready! Green nineteeeeeen! Set!" I caught the snap. Tad and Dylan bolted out to the right, accompanied by pulling guard Chris Maroon who tumbled downfield looking for work. As Sunney charged through the vacancy Chris created, I sent Quentin a bullet pass. He hauled it in as Sunney trampled me. Quentin tore upfield, his cornrows bouncing out of his helmet. As Dylan laid out the safety, Quentin trotted into the endzone untouched. We took the lead. After Miles chipped in the extra point, I took a good, long look at the scoreboard.

Ray Franklin Auto

TIGERS                                             5:24                                              GUEST
7                                               PERIOD        <>                               14

TIMEOUTS            DOWN             TO GO        QTR      BALL ON          TIMEOUTS

2                        1                       3                 2                25                        3

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