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PJ and I go ahead and say we're working on something on Twitter and Tumblr. There's nothing wrong with it, just hyping things up a bit, even if we have barely even started this thing. People will just look forward to it more now.

Dan texted me to ask me to lunch, which I accepted. We've been talking a lot more since we hung out at his flat, which makes me happy. Sometimes I'm bad at texting people a lot. I write a little more for the short film, and text my few friends a bit.

Clara, my sister, is looking for someone to babysit her son. He's nearly three, and as cute as he is, he's a handful. My parents can't look after him since they're busy with the whole moving houses thing, and she's going to be gone on a date night with her husband. I don't babysit for her often, but tonight I say yes. She watched me when I was little, I guess now it's my turn. Supposedly I'll be watching Gavin tomorrow night.

Around twelve I get ready to head out to lunch. My hair goes into a plait, my legs into skinny jeans and I throw on a shirt from a theater contest in Year 9. Hopefully Dan's not taking me anywhere too nice. He didn't really specify.

I take a bus instead of the Tube, no reason. Usually I take the Tube, simply for comfort reasons, but today feels like a day for looking at the city rather than dark tunnels. Maybe a sad song can come on iTunes and I can stare out the window like a movie character. I could probably star in a movie, I have intense main character hair now. But probably not. I don't think I'm the mainstream movie type.

While no dramatic sad music comes on, I still get a bit of thinking done on the bus. Mostly about Gale. What if he thinks I dyed my hair because of him? I mean, I did, but I don't want him to know that. What if I somehow develop a crush on his or something and everything ends up awkward? What if he still has a crush on me? It all feels very soap opera-ish and Year 8-ish, but it's all very serious to me. I don't want drama, but it seems I as if can't avoid it anymore.

Along with thinking of more for the film, I flip on the Wifi Hotspot on my phone to upload my hair video. I don't know when I might be home next, so I might as well put it up now. Plus watching the upload bar slowly move up distracts me a little from the problems at hand. Like Gale.

Why did I let him come? Now I'm just going to be stressed about it until he leaves, even though everything will probably be fine. Yet I'm still worrying. It's just for a few days, he said, nothing can happen in a few days. Right? I suppose there's that whole love at first sight thing, but that's BS, right? I don't know anymore.

The video finishes uploading right as I get off the bus, so I put away my phone and walk into the little cafe Dan said we'd meet at. Dan isn't there yet, so I get a table for two outside and order a coffee with some water. I figure Dan is just running late like he's so infamous for.

After five minutes of thinking and staring at my feet, Dan comes rushing in, hair barely straightened and clothes a mess. Suddenly I remember why I used to fangirl so much over hobbit hair. It's still pretty  hot if you ask me. 

We look pretty similarly dressed, skinny jeans and t-shirts. His has a pac man ghost on his, which is cool. The color nearly matches my hair. His eyes widen when they come to my hair.

"It's brighter in person," he says, sitting down. I smile and look at my hands in my lap.

"Yeah... I like it though."

"Me too," he replies. I smile even more. I can't handle complements, especially from Dan. Something about the way he says things, all articulate and stuff makes my stomach twist in a good way. Actually, everything about Dan makes me feel that fluttering feeling. I'm not sure if it's normal or if I'm having mass organ failure. Either way, I think Dan is the cause, in all his curly haired glory.

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