Your Nose
Luke loves your nose as weird as it sounds. It sounds as weird as you thought it was. He would always tell you how cute it was and kiss it. Though it was weird you still thought of it as a compliment. You nor him had any idea why he liked it so much about you.
Carefree Attitude
How you was always so care free. You lived your life the way you liked it and didn't care about the opinion of others. The hate didn't bother you. Luke liked that because he didn't have to worry about loosing you to the hate you would get. The only person's opinion you cared about was Luke's, but he liked how you ran your life so he didn't want to change it.Calum
Your Eyes
Calum would always get lost in your eyes whether you was in the middle of talking to him, watching a movie or just cuddling with him he would always look in your eyes. Your eyes showed your emotion and what was how Calum knew how you was feeling.
You live in the now
You never worry about the future and you liked it that way. You only live for then. This was the complete opposite of how you used to be, you used to plan every second of your life, but now when you even try to do that you get stressed out. He lived that about you because he would always get a surprise the next day.Ashton
Your Smile
He loves your smile. Whenever you were upset about something he would act like a complete idiot, no matter where you were or how embarassing it would be, to see your smile again. He purposely would act funny and crazy to be able to see you smile.
You were outgoing all the time. You hated being locked up somewhere because you felt like you was caged up. You had a very long bucket list and worked everyday on completing something on it. He loves this about you because he's never bored when he's around you.Micheal
Your dimples
Whenever you would smile your dimples would show. He would always poke them or purposely make you smile just so that he could see them. He likes seeing you happy and he always knew you were when he seen your dimples so thats why he likes them so much.
Your attitude
Though this covers a lot he liked one thing about toyr attitude and thats how it could change so suddenly, but only when it was appropriate. One minute you can be having an I love you more with Micheal, and the next you could be yelling at Luke becuase he sprayed you with a water gun and he loved that about you.