Your Favorite Thing About Him:

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His Tallness
You love Lukes tallness because when you two hugged you would put your ear against his chest and you would be able to hear his heartbeat. You also liked his tallness because you felt like he could protect you if you was in a bad situation, he made you feel safe and he would also give you piggyback rides when you felt too short.
You loved Luke's shyness. You don't really know why, but you just do. You think that it is cute how he is awkward around everyone. He never talks in interviews because he is afraid of embarassing himself but when he's with you and/or the boys he will be the total opposite.

His Voice
Whether he was singing or just talking to you you just loved his voice. You loved it because it was deep and you cannot imagine him being mad at you with it. His voice is sweet like him and you love that. Most of the time, though you listen still, you get lost in his voice.
He always finds a reason to be happy
Calum always finds a reason to be happy and is always smiling of laughing or giggling. Somehow you know when he is sad because he isn't his normal self and it makes it kind of obvious that he is upset. He always makes you happy when your down.

His Hair
You love his hair and you are also surprised it hasn't fallen out by now. You love how he is comfortable dying it whatever color he wants without being worried about anyone else's opinion, except your of course. Also sometimes you get to go with him and he lets you pick out the color.
Doesn't take things too seriously
Micheal never takes things too seriously and blow things out of proportion when you was just joking. You guys can joke around with eachother, which you do all the time, and neither one of you guys' feelings get hurt.

His Laugh
You love his laugh because it is so contagious. He has like 10 laughs and they all can make you laugh too. Everyone always loves his laugh, including you.
He's Witty
You have always loved this about him. He always has a funny comment, remark, or statement to say without making people feel offended. He would be great friends with Ellen Degeneres!

(With help from @oliviakathleeen)

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