30. Tangled

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I sat inside the car with driver driving towards the BTS mansion. Clutching on the envelope I had I looked out with tears almost risking the possibility of letting others know about my health conditions.

I recalled the conversation that I had with the doctor inside the hospital. I was so happy a week before after having the pregnancy test. Finally I had conceived Seokjin's baby but today everything scattered.

"I am sorry to say this Ms. Lee Jieun but you cannot give birth to the baby. One of you has to die and I cannot risk that so I suggest you to abort the baby."

He told me with concern but those simple words seemed to break every connection I ever had with my boyfriend. I knew I had cancer which was increasing day by day.

I bit my lips to suppress the sobs I engulfed. I was determined to give birth. Maybe that's why I didn't wanted to date on first place but Seokjin changed me. I love him and that was enough for me to stay determined.

He still doesn't know about my illness, neither I was ready to confess. Never ever. He would definitely ask me to abort the baby through drugs which I didn't wanted.

I sighed and wiped those threatening tears from falling down.

"Ma'am, we have arrived." I nodded and got out of the car with the envelope. Thankfully everyone was supposed to meet at the company to discuss about the damage that the last night storm had created.

The heels clicked aganit the floor when I pushed the door and closed them behind. Turning around I found Hoseok and Taehyung sitting on the couch while a sizzling sound attracted my attention to the fire work Yoongi was performing on the frying pan.

It smelt nice and mouth watering that swapped away my gloominess with its calmness.
"You all home?" Hoseok switched off the TV. " Yeah, Namjoon and Seokjin had to have a private talk so we left. They'll come in an hour."

"You came early, what did the doctor say?" I snapped to Taehyung with a fake smile and said,"All good. My pregnant."

All of them went blown wide dropped down jaw before everyone of them rushed to me.

"Y-Your gonna be a mother. That means I am gonna be an uncle!" Taehyung squeezed Hoseok till he choked. Yoongi approached me like a kitty with shyness." Congratulations." He was indeed a man of small talks.

"Thank you." I answered.

Soon yoongi served the dish and we ate. Coming to the bedroom I changed into comfortable clothes.

Around an hour I was on the bed when Seokjin entered the room sat beside me with an expressionless face which was hard to read. " Everything is okay?" He nodded but continued staring me.

Somehow I was confused whether it was the right moment to tell him about my pregnancy or not. He would definitely be happy but somewhere I felt bad for lying to him.

"I have something to tell you."

We bothe said in a sync. "You first." Again it was synced. We bursted into small giggles and he said," On the count of three we will say it together."

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