34. Capable

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I threw the files across the cabin in frustration. How could things turn upside down? Nothing was going my way. It seemed like I was stuck at same place but degrading.

Money was such a bitch.

I couldn't believe that half of our investors withdrew their investments from projects, leaving us with debts along with major asset crisis.

A knock grabbed my attention. Groaning I leaned over the desk and said," Come in."

My secretary came in a hurry as the chaos going on within the company was beyond a measure. He bowed at me respectfully and informed," Board members are holding an emergency meeting right now, they are deciding to dethrone you."

"What!!" I exclaimed in anger." How could they when Seokjin is not a part of it? Even not consulting with me?" I bursted in rage before him and went out of the cabin followed by him.

I walked towards the meeting hall where all the old lads were currently having a meeting. My heels clinked against the floor while I passed the corridors.

Soon enough I stood outside the door, whose other side was engaged in loud chattering. Pushing the door open my secretary led me inside as a sudden silence fell in the room.

I crossed my arms against my chest and proudly walked towards the head chair across the table. They were bewildered to find me there as no one expected my presence.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. I think you forgot to invite the CEO so here I am presenting myself, as you know, not a single leaf turns without my permission in this company."

Some were scared while some were scoffing. I uncrossed my arms as I saw a man looking at me with disgust.

"Do you have something to say Mr. Yoon?"

He looked at me raising his eyebrow and said," Wasn't it evident that you weren't invited? We didn't wanted you to come because we were aware of how incapable you had became to let our money drown."

His statement lit hope in other men to stand against me. Another man said," Yeah he is right! Never thought Seokjin would start doing home chores and hand over the company to a woman."

I chuckled and sarcastically said," Are you mad because I lost your money or because I am a woman? What's wrong with man doing house chores?"

Intertwining the fingers I leaned over the table and looked at each oldies with petrifying gaze.

"Let me tell you one thing, not everything could be male dominated. There are men because of women. If your wife wasn't born, or any of your wife didn't then maybe you would have been married to Mr. Yoon."

I grinned when I took the glimpse of both fuming men while others were hiding their snickering.

"You have a daughter then you might know how proud you'll feel when she'll be as independent and successful as you. Girls aren't weak but people like you compress them and showcase your fake pride. One of the seven sin, your pride is the only thing that throw you into dumpster."

I leaned back and looked at Mr. Yoon." And as far as I know you were the most profited person among all of us, didn't you got more than half of the money from the last month deal?"

Everyone gasped in betrayal while Mr. Yoon became timid from all the burning gazes, penetrating him with curses.

He nervously chuckled and said," That doesn't define your latest performance. We had already lost millions. Our money is at sake and do you think in this era anyone would even risk a penny?"

I nodded. "True, no one would but at least I want time. A certain amount of time to get things at place. You would get a refund but for now believe me. I, Kim Soyoung, promise you that I won't let you all down."

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