Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Precap---Going back to KMA my happiness knew no bound. I knew that Rajveer sir's and my relationship was at a different level now. I could sense that the air around me, around us, has changed. A wide grin like smile was attached to my face, earning me a stare from everyone in the academy, but I didn't care as today was the best day and the best Holi of my life.   

    It has been about a week scene we saw Rajveer sir.  He has gotten so much better in the past few day, now standing up and taking steps. Every time I see him my heart skips a bead and I blush. Pooja’s teasing knows no height.  Captain. Abhimanyu is hardly ever seen in the academy, as he is always with Rajveer sir. In some ways I am jealous of Capt. Abhimanyu. I mean he can go and see Rajveer sir anytime he wants, and I am caged in the four wall. I get angry knowing that he is just a few miles away from us, but I can’t go see him, but all the anger goes away when I remember that he is alive and well. All that goes away when I remember he has people looking after him, willing to give their lives for his security and that helps me relax. I know deed down somewhere in my heart that nothing can happen to Capt. Rajveer anymore, no one will be able to harm him anymore.

    In this past week I have also come close with the first year cadets. They are a very fun bunch and remind me of our gangs in so many ways. It is always funny to see Akriti and Pooja chat, as one speaks in film language and other in mobile language. We usually lose track of their conversation. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to gain any information.

    I strolled through the halls of the academy, heading to Major Niar’s shooting class. I stopped in front of Capt. Rajveer’s room and turned toward the door. Just seeing his door made me feel better and made me feel like there was someone standing by me every second encouraging me and supporting me. I felt like a stupid girl thinking about her newest developed crush, but I didn’t care.

“Life is so weird na Capt. Rajveer. I came to this place with one mission and no one by side site, now I have so many people by my side and definitely more than one mission, but I don’t regret any part of it. I don’t regret coming here, because I met you. I don’t regret everyone finding out I am Naveen Bhaiya’s sister, but that gave my more support and friends than I ever expected. I don’t regret finding out that you shot bhaiya, as that single action of your made me believe you will do anything for you friends and their friendships. It helped me understand the real you and finally I don’t regret ALMOSE losing you in that fire. I don’t regret that incident one bit because it helped my figure out just how much I love you. It helped me realize how much you mean me to me and that my life is incomplete without you.” I said with a voice from behind interrupted me. I turn around to see Dr. Shalini standing behind me.

She stepped in front of me, held my shoulder and held my gaze. “This time will pass. Please stay strong cadet. Light will restore in our lives” She reassured me, and seeing her innocent eyes so worried I almost told he that Rajveer sir is still with us, but I held back. I wanted to hug her and tell her lights are already being restored, but couldn’t. It is not like I don’t trust her, I do, but I don’t trust her mouth. I mean we all know how good Dr. Shalini is with keeping secrets so I just gave her a nod.

“Now go off to the field. We don’t want you to get in trouble with Maj. Nair, especially when Capt. Rajveer is not here. “She said and send me off.

“Cadet Singh step forward.” Major Nair said. I got out of the line and stepped forward as instructed. He handed me a hand gun and game a single instruction “Shoot” I took a deep breath and shot. I missed the bull’s eye, so taking the opportunity Major Nair started harassing me.

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