Chapter 2

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"Cadets no letters allowed" Major Niar said as he snatched the letter out of Alekh's hand. "Second year cadets. Report to the field ASAP" Niar said and left. Naina wore a scared expression on her face and the rest of the cadets were tensed. As they made their way toward the field Yudi said "guys if major sees that letter than I swear we are all dead."

"Oh Yudi chill dude" Huda said, totally relaxed.

"No Huda Yudi is right. We have to get that letter back, because if it is from him than..." Naina said but couldn't finish, however all her friends understood the unspoken words.

"But Naina, how could he have sent that letter" Ali asked. Naina could not get the chance to answer as they reached the field. They all stood in line in attention position as major scolded them for God knows what.

"Cadets give me a hard ten, on the double, 20 minutes-- go" he said and all the cadets left. When they reached the half way point, Huda sat down on a rock.

"Huda brother, what are you doing, get up we have to get going" Ali said approaching Huda. "Ohi Usool, no place can be safer than this to discuss the letter" Huda stated as the rest of the cadets approached.

"Huda is right" Alekh said sitting next to Huda, after putting his rifle on the floor.

"Do you really think that he could have send that letter?" Pooja questioned.

"Don't know Pooja, but my gut feeling is strongly saying that this letter is from him" Naina answered running her hands down her hair.

"If that's the case than we have to get that letter back" Ali stated.

"Captain Abhimanyu can help" Alekh suggested.

"No Alekh, the letter stated not to tell superior, so we can't" Naina said.

"We don't tell him about the content of the letter, but we can ask to to ask major to give that letter back." Huda suggested, as he got up from the log and stood next to Naina.

"Yeah we can do that" Naina said.

"But how can we be so sure? Someone--or rather Lala could be using Naina's and our's emotion to lure us into a trap." Alekh, being the logical one stated.

"Let's complete this drill first than we will talk to him, otherwise we have to hear major's lecture again" Ali said, with a smile.

With ten seconds remaining on the clock, all the Cadets finished that drill, to major's disippointment.

The six cadets sat at the mess with a little food in front of them. All wore the same gloomy expression on their faces, which was not hidden by suriji.

"Oai puttar any problem." He asked comming near them.

"No Suriji no problem, but do you happen to know where captain Abhimanyu is." Naina said.

"He has stepped out for a second, should be back in an hour or two." Suriji said and left as he was called inside the kitchen.

"2 hours, with this time major will surely open the letter and read it." Pooja stated with fear clearly visible in her voice.

"Calm down Punjaban, don't worry. I have a plan" Huda ressured.

"Huda please, we dont have time for your stupid plan" Naina stated, frustrated

"Atleast listen to it once before judging the plan" Huda said.

"Ok so what's the plan" Alekh questioned.

" The plan is that Naina can emotionaal blackmail thau, saying the letter is from captain Naveen or waterever" Huda explained.

"And you think BC will melt?" Alekh asked, with disbelive in his voice.

""We can atleast try na" Huga forced.

"Ok at this time I can do anything to get that letter back" Naina said getting up to go to BC's office.

Naina entered BC's office. She noticed the office was empty and was about to exit when see saw a file lying on his table. Naina quickly rushed to it and picked it up. Like suspected, it was Captain Rajveer's case file. It had thing written on it that made the hair on the back of Naina's neck stand up. She quickly put the file down and was about to exit when she heard 3 families voices: BC's, Major Niar's and Major Bhargav's

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