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Yelena's POV

I grabbed my gun and put it in my holder completing my gear up then I looked over to Natasha, "ready." Natasha's green eyes met my own, "you can still back out Yelena these are my friends not yours... you could get thrown into a cell beside them." I smirked, "that's if they catch me."

"We have to be in and out fast 10 minutes tops," Natasha said and I smiled, "got it and try and disarm anyone that can call for back up. Kill only when necessary." Natasha smiled and put her widow bites on her back, "let go rescue them little sister." Natasha spoke the last two words in Russian and I smiled, "so who are we rescuing, and can I sleep with any of them?"

"What happened to finding your Omega?" Natasha asked and I sighed, "it is easier said then done I'm starting to lose hope." I looked down as we walked down the hotel stairs. "I wanted that to you know," Natasha sighed and I looked up at her confused. "My Omega. I had heard that they got the girls in the red room to kill their omega if they ever found them so I was always scared then I ran away. I thought I would never find my Omega the woman to give me the other thing the red room couldn't take from me and there she was. Maria she just walked right up to me when we first meet then turned to Clint and she said she was going to take me to a interrogation room. Later I found out that Clint made a bet with Fury saying we wouldn't last 10 minutes alone in the room together. He was right of course. But my point is I stopped looking for mine and she turned up on a silver plater when I needed her the most. You'll find yours to Yelena."

"Thank you and I'm sorry I've heard how hard it is being away from your Omega this must be torture for you," I looked to my big sister as we arrived at the jet. "It is. But after today I will see her again and I'll never have to leave her again."

"She's one of the ones we are rescuing isn't she?" I asked and Natasha started up the jet, "Tony got her arrested for getting me out of the country and Ross took her saying she is to dangerous to be in a normal prison."

I grabbed Natasha's hand and spoke in Russian, "we will get her sister I promise." Natasha smiled at me, "you will find her Yelena I have faith that the universe will bring you together when you both need it the most. Also you might want to stay in another hotel tonight cause we will most likely going to be having sex on every surface of the hotel room."

"Gross did I really need to know that and why do I have to be the one to move," I spoke quickly the Russian rolling off my tongue. "I paid for the room," Natasha smirked, and I groaned, "fine just let me get my stuff out before you jump each other."

"No promises," Natasha smirked and I huffed.

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