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Wanda's POV

It has been a few weeks since we left Russia and Melina. In that time we got a barn house that was on a large block of land that even had a lake on the property. Our room has a nice view of the lake and even has a balcony in it.

I sat on the balcony on my chair and looked out into the lake and let my thoughts wonder.

It is 2 weeks until Christmas and I can't wait to have a family around for Christmas. The Avengers were nice but they were family except for Natasha, Clint and Steve. The others just never made me feel welcome. So this will be the first time in over a year that I will have a family for Christmas I just wished that Pietro was here with me with his charming smirk. God Yelena would've loved him.

"Hey Wands," Yelena sat beside me in her chair. "Hey Lena," I smiled and watched the blonde beside me. "Penny for your thought?" I giggled at Yelena's awful American accent which I know she's just putting it on to make me laugh.

"I'm just thinking about Christmas," I smiled and Yelena frowned. "It is okay if you don't want to go Mama will understand," I shook my head. "No I want to go. This will just be the first time in a while that I'll have it with my actual family even though they aren't really mine yet."

"They are your family, Wanda. You are my soulmate. That make you apart of my family and they are my family so you are theirs too. Now what is the problem my beautiful Omega?" Yelena asked and I looked deep into green eyes. "I want to be married before we have pups," Yelena smiled. "Then I will marry you," I shook my head, "you don't have too Yelena not yet."

Yelena reached into her pocket an brought out a ring, "trust me I want to I've been trying to find the right moment for the last week but I never found the right moment so why not just pour out my soul and make it the right moment."

Yelena opened the box and pulled out an engagement ring, "Wanda since you came into my world the sun has not stopped shining even in the darkest of days where it is raining, and the sun has been away for days at a time you are still there to shine. Wanda Maximoff, you shine brighter then the sun. All you have to do is smile and my day is a thousand times better because I know you are there to keep me company to give me light and joy. I know I'm your Alpha, your Soulmate but I want to add one more thing to that list. I want to be your wife. I want to wake up every morning and stare into those beautiful green eyes of yours and smile know that this woman is my wife. So Wanda Maximoff will you do me the honour of becoming my bride."

"Oh my god Yelena yes. YES!" I jumped into the blonde's arms as she pushed a ring onto my ring finger. "I want to marry you until the stars," I whispered and Yelena smiled. "I have a marriage celebrant on hold so we can get married any time you want Wanda," I smiled and whispered, "tonight. I want to marry you tonight under the stars."

"I'll get her to come tonight then," Yelena smiled and I kissed her.

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