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Yelena's POV

As I got to the top of the rope Natasha was already there, "here give me Wanda." As Natasha went to grab the woman off me I snapped at her teeth bared, "hey it's okay I won't hurt her." I looked deep into green eyes and to the woman in my arms then back to my sister. Her eyes widen and she turns around, "Clint help me get them inside!" The man from earlier come over and without me letting got of the woman they both got us up and I walked into the jet and placed the woman on the medical stretcher.

I was checking her over then the Vanilla and Cookies scent grew stronger and I looked down and see green eyes meet my own, "pretty angel." Wanda whispered and I smoothed back her hair, "angel wants you to go to sleep okay." The green eyes slowly close again and Natasha walked over but when she got to close, I growled.

"Maybe you weren't the only one that needed your soulmate," I turned to Natasha, and she was smiling. "So that's what the amazing smell is? Does that mean she is my Omega?" I asked and Natasha smiled wider. "Yes, she is your Omega I thought that was obvious and yeah the smell is meant to help find your Omega."

"What do you smell?" I looked to Natasha and she smiles, "freshly lit camp fire and gunpowder. Everyone smells different but your scent is only strong enough for your soulmate to identify."

"I wonder what I smell like?" I looked down at the light brown haired woman. "Nat who is this kid?" I heard the man from before say and I growled, "I'm not a kid just because you're old doesn't mean anyone below you is a child!" The blonde haired man slowly raised his hands, "okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you Miss...?"

"Belova. Yelena Belova." I rolled my eyes and turned back to the sleeping woman, "leave her to sleep Yelena." I looked and realized there was a shock collar still around her neck. I growled and grabbed the collar and broke it of my Omega. Under the collar there were burns from electricity. "I will kill every last one of those pathetic men for ever laying a finger on you," I whispered in Russian and kissed her head.

"What happened to Wanda, Clint?" I looked to the man as he answers my sister's question. He looked away, "they kept her in the cell most of the time but every now and again they took her out for surgery I don't know what they did sorry. When she first got here she would fight and I'd hear her screams but I didn't know what was happening I tried to take the beating for her but they would just roll their eyes and beat her anyway."

I cocked my gun, "Yelena no." I turned to Natasha and I growled and uncocked it, "I want them dead. I want Ross' head on a spike so I can display it at Mama's farm." I spat in Russian and Natasha sighed, "killing him will do no good and remember the last battle we had we barely made it out with our lives." My sister reasoned her Russian not as rough as mine.

"Fine but if he comes after her I will kill him and I will very much enjoy putting a bullet in his head," I growled and sat beside my Omega.

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