Chapter 2

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Start Writing: 10:16 p.m. 17 November 2021


Time: 7:05 p.m.
Place: F/N's House

"F/N! Dinner time!" My mother called me

"Okay!!" I told her

I stop reading the book that somehow caught my attention then walk to the kitchen.

"Call your dad" My mother said

I nodded then open the kitchen back door

"Father! Eat!" I yelled but not that loud

"Alright!" He simply said

I closed the door back then sit down on my place with my younger sister. My mother usually eat at the living room because my younger brother still need to get watched when eating.

Even though it's time to eat me and my sister will still talking. I don't know. Habit.

After I finished my food I go back to the living room and read the book but then I remember what the headmaster school ask me to do.

"Pa. The headmaster of the school want me to send you his regards." I said to my father

"Mhm." He hummed then I looked at my phone 'cause someone texted me

Stop Writing: 10:37 p.m.

Continue Writing: 1:15 p.m. 18 November 2021


Hey, F/N.

If you looking for your science
book it's with me.



I accidentally take yours when I
go to your desk

Oh, okay.

You can give me tomorrow



Glad that there's no science class tomorrow.

"So did you meet Kizuguchi?" My mother asked

"No..., I'm not sure if his face it's still the same." I told her

"You don't remember his hair colour? Eyes colour?"

"I did remember but there's no student I meet had salmon pink hair."


"I want to meet him... Umeji... Maybe I should ask Uekiya! Or find him by myself first? I'll try to find by myself first." I thought

Next Day
Time: 7:30 a.m.
Place: School

Umeji's POV

I was changing my shoes then the black hair girl Ayano Aishi came and change her shoes too but someone was with her. The new girl.

"Ayano Aishi right?" The girl ask

"Yes..." Ayano respond

"My name is F/N (M/N) L/N. I knew your name from Ms. Genka. You from class... 2-1 correct?"

I walk away from them until I heard the name of the girl. F/N... Is it F/N my old friend? No. She moved but...what if... I turn back to the girl and look at her face.

H/C hair... E/C eyes... Same but it could be someone else.

"So, um I notice you..." her words get cut when she saw me staring at her. She smile. I rolled my eyes then walk away. That damn smile what was that for...


"Did that guy just roll his eyes on me. I just smile!" I said

"He's one of the delinquent, it's not a surprise." Ayano said

"Oh..., ah! I notice that you stalking Taro Yamada from my class. What's up?" I asked

"N-No. I-I'm not stalking..." She stuttered well that's a surprised cause she look emotionless-

"Ah... Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable...but at my former school, people stalk their crush sometimes."

"Well, I did like him..."

"Oh? Are you guys friend maybe?"


"Hmm, kinda... Well, I won't ask anymore. Hope we can be friend! Or maybe not-"

"Sure..." She said

"Oh. Okay!"

I gave her my phone number then we go to our own way. I walk passed class 1-2 and saw Horuda. I walk in and greet her.

"Hey, Horuda."

"Huh!? Oh. You. F/N right?" She seems shocked with my sudden appearance

"Mhm, I just want to greet you and did you like want to exchange phone number?"

"Hmm, sure. I don't mind."

We exchange phone number and we talked a little when time reached 8 and 10 minutes I started walking to my class.

Umeji's POV

"Hey, Umeji. I saw that new girl smiling at you. What's up?" Hokuto asked

"Nothing. She just notice me looking at her." I respond

"Are you sure? I remember you telling us about your old friend that move to New York. She kinda look a bit similar like what you describe her. H/C hair. E/C eyes." Hayanari said

"She could be someone else that look like her. Now shut up." I said a bit angry

"Jeez okay." Hayanari respond

"But she do look like her... Should I get to know her...? Maybe next time..."


That's it for now!

Stop Writing: 2:36 p.m.

Umeji Kizuguchi x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now