Chapter 3[Past Story]

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Umeji's POV

(Their age is 13)

"F/N... Why are we here?" I asked the girl

"To make you strong? Maybe just teach how to defend yourself which I knew you'll never use." She said

"I told you I don't want. You can keep your skills for yourself."

"You are not fun."

She gave up and then sit under the tree playing with her like always. I sit next to her, looking at her with an admiration look I always give to her. She didn't notice it anyway.

"Hey, my parents said that we're going to move to New York in a month."

"Huh!? Why!?" I was really shocked hearing that

"My dad has a work to do there."

"That's a shame..."

She look at me then pat my head

"Come on you're not going to be that sad right?"

"Of course not. Why would I be?"

"Great then. Come on let's eat."

She handed me her extra lunch that she cook

"How can you be so good at cooking?"

"My mother teach me and I just randomly watch her cooking and then copy?"

"You make it sounds easy."

"Meh, you're just lazy."

"I'm not!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever pink hair."

She ate her lunch and only focusing on that. I can tell she's sleepy. When she be quiet for too long she somehow want to sleep.

It's been 5 minutes of silence she finished her food

"I'm sleepy..."

"You're not going to sleep here aren't you?"

"Silly, I will but I don't want to take the risk."



"When will you came back?"

"What? From New York? I don't know..."

"I have to wait for you?"

"Maybe. You might forget about me haha!" She laugh

"It's not funny..."

"Ha- sorry." She look away

There was an awkward silence happen between us.

"Y-Y'know... I'll still remember you..." She hugged her knees

"I know." I simply respond


"Hey, Umeji be strong..."

(Now it's on the time where they're with Osoro but still look like their original style)

"That voice again..." I said

"What is it?" Hayanari asked

"It keep ringing in my head. Like it was important..."

"Maybe something that you get told to do?" Daikoru said

"No, it's more like a support. That voice is familiar."

"Shouldn't overthinking about it." Hayanari suggest


I guess you were right.


Staying in New York is not that bad it's just I miss my life in Japan. Where I'm born. My first home... My friends...

Umeji... Did he still remember me? What happened to him? How is he look now? Handsome?

My new friends are not that bad they're just sometimes weird...and the bullies. They are just weak for me.

The boys here... Good-looking but somehow can't beat my love to Umeji...

Years passes and my memory about Umeji almost gone or just get forgotten but I still had a picture of him and me so that I can remember his features...

That's a silly crush but it's feels not...

Why feelings are complicated to understand sometimes...


Umeji Kizuguchi x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now