Chapter 7

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Author/Third Person Point of View
8:00 p.m.
[Name]'s House

[Name] was playing her phone and then got a call from Umeji

"Hey.." Umeji greet first

"Yo. What's wrong? Calling someone out of the blue." [name] ask

"Is it wrong for a boyfriend to call his girlfriend."

"I don't know. Based on your recent persona you don't seem like someone who would call someone. You'll text them instead."

"Are you judging me?"


"Anyway. What are you and the other Gardening Club girls doing that evening."

"They said it's almost spring so they want us to find a place to plant some new flowers."

"Oh. Kinda forgot about that."

"Uh huh... Anything else?"


"You sure?"

"Actually...I wanna spend time with you tomorrow?"

"Hm... Sure I guess."

"At school."


"You heard me."

"Don't you have a reputation to keep?"

"The others don't care but I don't know about other students."

"Musume gotta come to me then."


"She said if she catch us together she will come to me and ask questions."

"Ugh. I hate her. She's the one who bullied me and my gang."

"Oh. That's mean I can't tell her anything?"

"No. You might be her next target and I don't want that."

"Like I care. You know that I never get depression."

"Yes but you'll get hurt."

"Don't care."


"Like her boyfriend."

"... Fine."


"See you tomorrow. Night."

"Night~." Umeji hung up

Next Day

[Name] and Ayano was at the plaza. Usual place. Ayano looking at Taro, [Name] playing her phone until Umeji came to her.

"Oi." Umeji called her

"What?" She look up at him

"Come with me." As soon as he said that Akane approach them and Ayano just look at them

"Sorry but what are you going to do with this girl." She said softly

"None of your business. I'm not gonna hurt her anyway." He grab [Name]'s wrist but Ayano hold [Name]'s arm

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