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Umeji's House
7:30 p.m.
Narrator's POV

[Name] was sitting on the living room looking at her phone. Umeji was taking a bath while Umeji's parents was in the kitchen. After a while Umeji came back to [Name] and then sat down beside her.

' ' I'm back. ' ' Umeji said, he put his head on [Name]'s shoulder.

' ' Yea, yea. ' ' [Name] said while looking at her phone.

' ' Umeji! [Name]! Come to the kitchen! Let's eat! ' ' Umeji's mother called for both of them. They both walked to the kitchen and then sat down next to each other on the dining table. Umeji's mother finished putting the foods on table and then sat down next to Umeji's father.

' ' Long time not see [Name]. How have you been? ' ' Umeji's mother asked

'Fine as always!' [Name] smiled.

'Happy to hear that,' Umeji's mother smiled back. Umeji's mother told us to enjoy the dinner so we all ate. [Name] was eating, Umeji was looking at her while eating. Umeji's parents smiled while looking at the couple.

[Name] looked at Umeji but he looked away. [Name] shrugged and then continued eating. Umeji's mother asked [Name] what their family up to now that they were back to Japan. [Name] answered each questions that Umeji's parents asked. Umeji just looked and listened to every single words she said.

After a while, [Name] and Umeji were now in Umeji's bedroom, Umeji wanted to be with [Name] and only her alone. 'So what's up?' [Name] smiled to Umeji.

Umeji suddenly carried [Name] to the bed, he lie [Name] down and then lie down next to her, he wrapped his arms around her waist. (I'm not good at explaining stuffs like this) [Name] blushed with Umeji's action. Umeji buried his face in [Name]'s neck.

[Name]'s Point of View

'F-ck, what should I do?' I thought, my body and his body were too close to each other. His face buried in my neck. 'You're not gonna talk?' I asked.

He moved his face away from my neck and then looked at me. 'I just want you right now,' he said and then kissed me, I kissed him back and of course as soon as I kissed him back he started to kiss me roughly. I could handle this man attitude all day.

His body now was on top of mine, I put my arms around his neck as he continued to kiss me. This man really meant it when he said he only wanted me. His hands were on my back, he squeezed his body to mine.

When he pulled out from the kiss I looked at him straight into his eyes, 'Why did you like to add the heat...,' I asked, he smiled, 'You know me darling. I love to add the flame in you,' Yeah, everytime I was mad he liked to add more anger in me.

'If you're worried I'm gonna do that to you no, you did say you can't handle the heat, I won't rush things,' he kissed me again. I smiled to his words. 'Thanks,' I said.

After that we talked, he asked me some stuffs that his parents didn't ask me yet. I answered all of them. 'Have you dated anyone back in New York?' he asked. 'Hmm, yes, we only dated for 3 months, he was the one wanted us to break up, I did ask why, he said I will knew it but I really wanted to make sure if my guess was right. I guess he just didn't like me anymore and I'm fine with it,' I answered.

He hugged me, 'I'm glad he broke up with you, I fell in love with you ever since we were kids, that sounds cliche but I really do, I thought I wouldn't have the chance to be with you anymore, and I can't believe I forgot about you, I guess there's too many things happening to me until it messes with my mind,' he said. I pat his back.

'You can say I almost forgot about you also,' I chuckled. He took my hand and then kissed it, 'I can promise you that we will last forever, whatever happened,' he said, I smiled, 'We will see then,' I kissed his cheek.

I don't keep my hopes high but I do want him to stay with me, no matter what, if I lose him, I don't think I wanted to be with anyone anymore.


Jokes, you think I'll end it right here? Maybe I will, nah nah kidding, maybe. Ciao.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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