Chapter 9

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-Elle's POV-

I woke up with a smile still spread across my face. Somebody must've carried me home because I was in bed with Two Bit's arm slung over me. Trying not to wake him up I move his arm off of me and get up to go to the washroom. I get my towel and ALL my clothes so I don't have to change in front of Two Bit.

I hop in the warm shower and start cleaning the dry blood off of me and inspect the scars and bruises on my body. All of a sudden the shower curtain flung open!

"TWO BIT!!!" I scream covering my body.

"AAAAAH!!!" He covered his eyes turned around and started walking back to the door failing miserably as he bumps into a wall before exiting.

Well that was super awkward. I don't understand why everyone has to see me naked! Gah, why?!?! I step out of the shower and quickly get changed before I get caught for like the 5th time.

When I step out I see Two Bit sprawled face first like a starfish on the bed. "Two bit?"

"mfismdjsmfisah." his voice was muffled.


"Let's never talk about that again."


I remembered today was Saturday, me and Johnny's date so I picked out ripped high waisted jeans and a green tribal print crop top with my black leather jacket. I curled my hair and paid extra attention to my makeup and tried to hide my bruises the best I can. Thank God the swelling has gone down. I turned to Two Bit and asked how I looked. He started whistling and imitating Steve's Indian hollers. "Why so dolled up, doll?"

"Aha. Well, uhm Johnny wanted to take me out later." I grinned.

"Well, okay then! Have fun! But not too much fun if you know what I mean." He winked and I slapped him playfully on his arm.

In the meantime I asked Two Bit if we could grab Dallas and go to the park. He agreed and we left to go to Buck's. When we got there Buck answered the door and he let me upstairs to Dallas's room.

Dallas was shirtless and had jeans on. One arm was over his eyes blocking them from the light and the other was hanging off his scrawny bed. I jumped beside him and hugged him.

"Dallas? Can we go to the park?"

"Sure thing, doll." He croaked. His voice was deep and raspy.

"Thanks!" I squeezed him tighter and gave him a kiss on the nose.

"How come I don't get one?" Two Bit whined childishly.

I laughed and planted a kiss on his cheek. Dallas got up and threw on his shirt and brown leather jacket. We went downstairs and headed to the park. It was about noon and the warm sun mixed with the cool air.

When we got to the park we all climbed on top of the monkey bars and sat on them. "Guess what, Dallas?" Two Bit said.

"Only she calls me that. And what?"

"I saw Elle naked today."

"Two Bit! I thought we were never talking about that again?!?" I whined embarrassed.

"Woah, that's weird." Dallas stated.

"Let's play truth or dare." I suggested trying to change the subject. They both mumbled 'kay'.

"I'll go first. Dallas truth or da-" Two Bit was cut off.

"Dare duh."

"Mkay, uh I dare you to imitate a girl when you bang them."

He started making sex noises that really disturbed me. He kept moaning and saying his own name. I was really weirded out.

"Okay, okay we get it!" Trying to stop the weirdly accurate sounds.

"Elle, truth or dare?" Dallas asked. Knowing Dallas I wouldn't trust him giving me a dare.


"Are you a virgin?"

"Uhm, well, I- yes..." I gave up trying to make an excuse.

"Whaaaaaaat? No way!" The both exclaimed.

"Yeah... Guys we gotta go meet Johnny in the lot." I stated looking at the time.

We headed over to the vacant lot. And as suspected, Johnny was on the grass underneath a tree lighting up a smoke. I smiled as his eyes lit up when he saw me. I was glad I made him happy. I sat beside him and he put his arm around me as I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Gotta smoke?" I asked and he gave me his.

"I gotta stop anyways." He said as I took a long drag and blew the smoke out.

I turned to look at Two Bit and Dallas who were sitting on the couch imitating Johnny putting his arm around me and making kissy faces towards us. I giggled and yelled, "Get outta here, ya hoods!" waving them off.

They left and when I turned to face Johnny he was already staring at me. "What?" I asked quietly.

"You're just so beautiful," He smiled and caressed my cheek. I winced and faced the other way because that was where I had a big bruise. "Sorry Elle, what happened?"

"Nothing." I lied I kept my head turned away from him.

"Look at me," He demanded. I reluctantly turned my head towards him and his eyes filled with worry. He caught the tint of purple that makeup wasn't able to cover. He pulled me into a hug as I silently sobbed. "It's okay. You don't have to tell me. You'll be okay." His voiced soothed my cries.

We stood up and started to head over to the Dingo. We ordered our food and talked and had fun. When we were done eating I looked at Johnny. His eyes were filled with seriousness all of a sudden. "Johnny?" I asked worried I did something.

"Elle, I fell in love with you the first time I laid eyes on you when you came into town. You changed me. I used to be so shy and scared now I have confidence because of you. Elle, I know we've only known each other for a little while but I know I have really strong feelings for you. I want you to be the one I spend all day with, the one I fall asleep with, the one I hold hands with, the one I laugh with, the one I grow old with. Elle you flipped my world upside down, and I liked it. I think I might love you."

I teared up at his mini speech which left me speechless I just nodded and kissed him. It was my first real kiss. His hands rested on either side of my cheeks that blushed a bright pink. When we pulled apart he wiped away my tears and asked me, "Elle Greene, will you be my girl?"

"Johnny Cade, will you be my guy?"

That night I fell asleep with tears still on my pink cheeks and a smile still spread across my face.

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