I run

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I run as wild as the wind now one can stop me,ever,ever,ever..............ever.

"oi, Their over there, get them" heaps of men on horse back come running over the hill yelling,cracking stock whips, making the horses go faster. The leader of the heard Winter yells at us to run, we run faster,faster,faster until bang a rope gets flung around Sapphires neck. Sapphire is are lead mare. She gets pulled by the neck and falls to the ground the rest of us stop to help its not working, Winter screams to try to stop the riders coming, but they come they around us, What do we do?

We get urged to go back the way we came, we ran for days, just run then stop for a drink then run some more then strop again run,stop,run,stop then in the distance we see it a station.

 It was hot i didn't want to go in nether did the rest, so we decided to run, but they caught us anyway they go we got caught. They pushed us into the pen, their we stayed for days and days then one day it happened.

2016 look back: really short chapter only 160 words. I felt I could have done a lot better here.

A horse called Midnight (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now