the backstory

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It had now been five months since danny and I had reunited after the boys returned from their tour. He came back in august, and it was now December. We spent every moment together. We shared a home, slept in the same bed, life was perfect. I remember the day he came back, I was sitting at my desk that was tucked away in my office. Positioned at the front of the house, there was a huge window that encompassed the wall my desk was near. School had just started back, and already I had found myself drowning in assignments. Suddenly, I hear a car peeling into the driveway. Gravel went flying, leaving a hazy cloud of dust to loom in front of the van that was pulling in. I got instant butterflies, I knew danny was packed in there with the boys. I loved them all and couldn't wait to see their faces, but Danny's especially.
Jake was the first of the boys i met. We had a statistics class together our senior year of high school. I can still remember him sitting next to me like it was yesterday. His hair was slightly greasy and obviously not combed through. As I would come to learn, this was his signature look. It took two weeks before we said anything to eachother. "Hey, uh do you understand any of this shit?" Jake stutters and chuckles to himself. I was sitting at my desk, staring at my paper intently. Jake clears his throat, and I lift my head up. "Oh, we're you talking to me?" I say, slightly embarrassed. He smiles, and a small laugh escapes. "Uh, yeah. Sorry, I know we've never talked before, but I just don't understand any of this, snd by the looks of it, you seem to know what you're doing." I did not, in fact, know what we were doing. None the less, I tried to help him as best I could. Needless to say, this conversation led to a friendship that ultimately was my key to the friend group. Well, I say friend group, it was josh, Sam, and danny. I liked that, though. Jake and I had hung out a few times, and one night he invited me to a gig that his band was playing. Wouldn't you know, the boys were the band, but I wasn't surprised. Every time I would hang out with Jake, they were all he talked about. They had a special bond that I envied. Ultimately I agreed, and I went to see them play that night. I had pulled up to the grimy dive bar they were playing at, and I see Jake waiting for me out front. I walk up to him and I'm greeted with a hug, as always, and then the others walk out. Josh flings the dusty door open, and Sam and danny follow him out. I had talked to them previously, as they were always around when I would take Jake home. He looks at me and smiles, "well, this is the band." "Van Fleet, Greta Van Fleet." Josh interrupts him. "Yes, we call ourselves Greta Van Fleet." Jake says, rolling his eyes at Josh. "Hmm, I feel like some of you look familiar." I say and let out a small laugh. Danny is stood beside me, a towering dark figure. His shoulder length charcoal hair flowed down his face, and even though it was dark, I could still see his soft brown eyes and sweet smile. Danny and I hadn't really talked before, so I felt the need to introduce myself. "Hi, uh my names-" "I know your name." He interrupts me, sharing a smile. "Oh, uh.. you do?" I say, blushing the shade of licorice. "Yeah, Jakey over here talks about you all the time." He says, glaring over at Jake, who is now very embarrassed. "I do not!" Jake scoffs. "YES YOU DO, JACOB." the boys say in unison. I look over at him and offer a soft smile and a nose scrunch. "Okay, we need to get inside, we're going on soon." He says, trying to avoid the awkward tension. The boys start walking away, towards the cracked brown door that leads into the dimly lit bar. Danny turns back to face me, his his hair swooshing as he spins. "See you after the show?" He says with an innocent grin. "Absolutely, cant wait to hear you guys preform in there." I say, being coy, and tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Awesome, see you then." He says, as he runs to catch up with the group. Little did I know, this was the beginning of us.

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