the big day

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     Seeing the big doors of the chapel in front of me made my stomach turn. I was dressed in a perfectly white ball gown, and my hair was loosely pinned up with pearls placed throughout it. Knowing that danny was waiting for me at the end of the church was nerve wracking. The doors widen, and I start slowly approaching danny. Once I reach the end of the narrow path, danny and i join hands. I see a single tear stream down his cheek, and he mouths to me "you look so beautiful". I smile back at him, holding back tears. He never looked so breathtaking. He was wearing a dark blue suit, and half of his hair was pulled back with pieces framing his face on either side. We begin reciting our vows, when suddenly, we hear the door creak open. Everyone turns to see who is walking in, and it's Jake. He quietly takes a seat in the farthest away pew, and the ceremony continues. The whole time, I can't keep my mind from running. Why was Jake here? Danny and I share a look, and we are both obviously confused and on edge. The priest continues speaking, and stops for a moment before asking if anyone has any rejections. My heart immediately plummets to the floor. Danny looks at me, then to Jake. The room is silent, and you could cut the tension in the air with a knife. Jake quietly stands, and begins pacing down the aisle. Danny drops my hands, and begins to close his eyes, hoping that the situation would somehow be a dream, or nightmare, really. Once Jake is close enough to speak without having to yell for us to hear him, he lets out a long sigh. "You knew this was coming, didn't you?" He says, smiling at me. I look at him, anger in my eyes, and mouth him the words don't do this. Jake gives me a nod, and continues. "You know, I really didn't think this day would ever come." He continues, grabbing the attention of everyone in the church. "Danny, I used to think of you as my brother. And you..." he says, theatrically pointing to me. "You used to be the love of my life. Do you remember that talk we had after danny shattered your heart?" He asks me with malice in his voice. "You told me danny felt like home, and I had told you I had never felt that way about someone. Well, I did. You were my home." "Jake, you need to stop." Danny says walking down the steps to meet him. "Not yet Dan, the shows just starting!" Jake shouts, throwing his hands in the air and waving them around. "Do you remember sleeping with kenzi? I bet you do, how could you forget? You know, you were her home, too." He adds, not holding anything back. "Jake they didn't." I say, as tears begin flooding my face. "Ah, that's where you're wrong, sweetheart. See, the thing danny didn't tell you, is that they actually-" "Jake, leave. Now." Danny says, pushing Jake backwards. I grab my dress and lift it slightly, making sure it wouldn't drags the ground as I rush down the steps to meet the boys in the middle of the aisle. "This is one hell of an interjection if I've ever seen one." Kenzi says as she bursts through the doors. "Why didn't you tell her, Dan? You thought it would all just go away once you have her my ring and asked her to be your wife? You didn't really think this would work out, did you?" Kenzis? This was kenzis ring on my finger? Danny turns to look at me, and he has pain in his eyes. "What the hell, danny?" "Ah come on, you're really going to believe them over me?" He throws his words at me. "We'll jesus danny, I don't know." I say back, collapsing to the ground. I wanted nothing more than to be with danny, but this reminder sent me into a spiral that I didn't know how to handle. Was this a mistake? Was I really about to marry danny when he had lied to me about everything that had happened? The room falls silent, and Jake and kenzi make their way to the doors. "We hope you enjoyed this little newly wed gift, you guys." They day before bolting out of the church.
      Suddenly, I'm awoken by Dannys voice. "Hey, hey, wake up." He whispers to me. I shoot up out of bed, and begin breathing heavily. "Hey, what's wrong?" Danny says, rubbing my shoulders. "Oh god, danny, I just had the worst dream." I tell him as my eyes well up with tears. "What happened? Come here, it's okay." Danny wraps me in his arms and slowly rocks me back and forth, trying to calm me down. "I don't know, I just, well we were getting married, and Jake and kenzi showed up and they tried to ruin it. Then Jake says you and kenzi actually slept together, and-" "What?" Danny says, as he pulls away from me. "I had a dream they ruined our wedding." I say as tears flood my face. "Oh honey, I promise that would never happen. They don't even know we're engaged, how would they know we were getting married?" "I don't know, I just got really scared. And then kenzi said this was actually her ring, and-" "shit" danny says under his breath. "Wait, so it is-" I cant gather anymore words. "How the hell did you know that?" He says. "Well I didn't until just now." I say as a shocked look takes over my face. "I did initially buy that ring for kenzi, but I knew she wouldn't be the one getting it." Danny says as he shifts himself towards me. "I- I cant wear this." I say, jumping up from the bed. I fling the ring at danny, and he gets up to meet my face. "I knew that I wanted this ring to be yours the day I met you. Sure, maybe I did buy it for kenzi, but what matters is that it's yours now, and I don't ever want it to belong to anyone but you." He tells me as he grabs me for a hug. I cry into his shoulder, and I'm torn between the feeling of love and shock. Was I upset because it was once for kenzi, or relived that he always knew it wasn't meant for her. Danny and I stay wrapped up in each others arms for close to an hour, and eventually I break the silence. "It's okay. Maybe the ring was meant for kenzi, but I'm glad to be the one who gets to wear it." I say. "If it makes you feel any better, we can pawn it and-" "it's perfect." I interrupt him. It was my dream ring. Even though I had never told danny anything about what style or cut I had wanted, he somehow had the perfect ring all along. It was small and dainty, a thin silver band with a small princess cut diamond. It also helped that it happened to be in my size. I had dreamt about a ring like this since I was a little girl, and getting one like it from danny made my heart melt. It was kind of selfish, but I felt good about being the one wearing a ring that was meant for kenzi. It was payback, in a way. Danny walks over to grab the ring from the bed, snd he walks back to me. I see him slowly lower to the ground, and he gets down on one knee. "I know I already asked, but I wanna do it right this time." He tells me. "I knew from the first time I met you that I wanted you to be my forever. I know we've had a rough couple of weeks, but I wouldn't want to go through shit with anyone else. You make everything worth it, and being able to call you my wife would make me the happiest guy in the world. So, would you-" "yes. a million times yes." I say as I grab him and pull him into a hug. Danny slips the ring back onto my finger, and he leans in for a kiss. Sure, danny and I had been through a lot this past month, but he was right, I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else. I knew we both meant it when we said we wanted to be each others forever, and wearing this ring on my finger would remind me of that every day. Nothing else mattered to me but danny. Not Jake, not kenzi, and sure as hell not them ruining our wedding. Danny and I already had a venue picked, even if we hadn't talked about it. There's a small church that danny and I used to go to while we were still in school. We didn't know it, but that's the first time we had ever seen each other. We never crossed paths or said hellos, but I'd like to think that's where our paths very first collided, snd I knew that's where I wanted to marry him. Our life together would start right where our souls first crossed, and that made me happy.

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