the future

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***Time Jump to a year later***
It had been a year since danny had agreed to go on one last tour with the boys. As much as I hated for him to leave, I knew this was what was best. Everything was already planned, the dates were set, and if I knew danny, I knew he wouldn't leave them with no drummer for the tour. It was a long year with many sleepless nights and many worries that accompanied them. Throughout the entire time, danny had promised me that nothing would happen, and that everything would work out and be okay in the end, and it was. I had seen Jake a lot more than I would've liked too, but seeing him also meant seeing molly, as she had still been with him even after hearing my story and everything that had happened. I didn't blame her though, they seemed happy together and I loved that for her, because she deserved it. I also began to get closer with josh and Sam again after not talking to them for a while. They didn't hurt me nearly as bad as Jake did, so I figured that it was only right to reconcile our relationships. Sam was the first one I talked to after danny had agreed to do the tour. He had a new girlfriend named Caela, who I am now great friends with. She is a bit taller than me, bright eyes that remind me of the ocean, and short wavy hair that perfectly fit her face. I often thought we were the same person because we had the same interests, same sense of humor, and loved all the same things. I found myself hanging out with her and molly on the days we would go see the boys shows together. Her and molly also became best friends, which is exactly what I hoped would happen. We became an unstoppable trio that I felt could take on anything together. Throughout everything, they helped me feel normal. Seeing the boys together again reminded me of the times when it was just us, before things went south. Part of me loved it and hoped it would feel like that forever, but another part of me could only think of everything that had happened to lead us here.
"Hey, you ready to go?" Molly says as she wraps her arm around my shoulder. "Yeah, just finishing up my makeup." I say as I place the finishing touches. I had gone for a bold look, gold eyeliner with a few crystals that I had added with the help of some eyelash glue. I also went for a red lip, which Caela had suggested, as it went well with my outfit. I was wearing a red corset with high waisted black leather pants that flared at the bottom, which had feathers around the ankles. I paired it with my white chunky boots and a black velvet jacket that had sparkles and crystal fringe bits around the arms. I went for simple jewelry, as the outfit was pretty loud on its own and I wanted that to be my attention grabber. I had on my usual rings, and added a dainty gold necklace that had stars on it. Caela had given it to me after the first time we met, she had a matching one that had a compass on it. She said that it meant wherever I went, she would follow, which was one of the first reasons I knew we would be best friends. We instantly clicked after the first time we had met, so whenever we went out together we always wore them. "Hey Caela, did you bring your necklace?" I ask. "Obviously!" She screams back from the bathroom. She walks out to meet molly and I in the middle of our hotel room. She was wearing a red off the shoulder jumpsuit and a pair of black boots. Caela was never one to wear a ton of makeup, but when she did, it always looked stunning. She went all out tonight, a smoky eye with a sharp winged eyeliner and gold glitter under her eyes to make them pop. She also went for a red lip. Molly was wearing a darker red shirt that was sheer around the arms and had a V-neck, accompanied with dark green flowing pants, and a pair of boots that had flowers embroidered on them. We always liked to match when we went out together so that people knew we were friends, and so that they knew we were the real stars of the show. "Damn we look good!" Molly says as she stares at us all in the mirror in the corner of the room. "Agreed." Caela adds as she picks up her small purse. "Do you think the boys will be surprised to see us?" I ask as I open the hotel room door. "I hope so. I mean, we didn't tell them we were coming to this show, but it's their last one on the tour, so I hope they'll be excited to see us." Molly says.
"All right, what do we think they're gonna play tonight?" Caela asks as we wait eagerly on the barricade for the boys to enter the stage. "I hope they play mountain of the sun." Molly adds. That was her favorite of their songs. "I hope they play age of machine." Caela says. "You guys already know what I want to hear." I say laughing. "Age of man." Molly and Caela say in unison. "Hey, I can't help it, it's so ethereal sounding, I love it!" I say throwing my head back with laughter. We start to hear screaming, and we look to the stage to see the boys entering. I see danny scanning the crowd and he catches my eyes. I flash him a smile and he winks as me. I blow him a kiss and mouth the words good luck. He didn't need it though, he always did amazing.
"FEELING, OH GOD THE FEELING..." we scream with the crowd. They ended the show with age of machine. We leave the venue, and I get a text from danny.
**From: My Love <3: I didn't know you guys were coming tonight! You know I always love seeing your face in the crowd. (: **
"Jake just texted, he said he was happy to see us tonight." Molly adds. "I just got one from Sam too, I'll leave out the details on that one, though." Caela says as she blushes. "Ooh, getting antsy already, huh?" Molly jokes as she playfully pushes caela's arm. "Hey, we haven't seen eachother in like a month!" She says laughing back. "I got one from danny too, nothing crazy like the lovebirds over here though." I add as I join in on their laughter. Everything felt normal again. For the first time in a long time, I was happy and content with everything, and I couldn't have asked for anything more. There was no drama, no fights, just smiles, laughter, and a lot of love. I felt like life was finally normal again, and I hoped that it would stay this way forever. "Hey, isn't that Kenzi?" Molly whispers to Caela, trying not to let me hear. They both glance over at me, hoping I didn't notice. "Ooh, a diner! Let's go grab some food!" Caela says as she grabs my arm and pulls me away from the shadow that was approaching us. I hadn't noticed until they tried to avoid her, but when I caught her eye, I was frozen. "Kenzi?" I say with a break in my voice. "H- Hey..." she starts. I knew the perfect feeling I had wouldn't last forever, and here it was, the moment that would break it.

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