Prince's Secret

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 "I came to get you because Prince wanted to tell all of us something..., it seemed important," Shadow told me after rolling his eyes.

 "Okay...," I spoke. I walked out of my room and shut the door behind me. We walked down the hallway and saw everyone else in the room, although Ziggy and Roger both looked beaten up.

 Prince got everyone's attention, "Uh..., there's something I need to tell you guys. I probably should have told you this a long time ago..., I'm actually a human."

 Everyone was quiet until I spoke up, "Are you afraid that no one was going to be your friend anymore if you told us this?" I asked. I always thought this was possible, I could see him as a blonde-haired boy with bright blue eyes.

 Prince snapped his eyes open with surprise, "You're okay with that?" he inquired. I went up and hugged him.

 "You'll always be my friend! I don't care if you're a Jackal and Werewolf hybrid, you've always been there for me!" I sobbed with happiness.

 Roger and Sonic shared a look, they were the only ones who knew Prince was human ever since they met him.

 "You're completely stupid if you thought being human would change our friendship you fluffbutt!" Ziggy laughed.

 Prince growled, "I told you not to call me that!"

 Everyone else claimed being human or a true mobian had anything to do with friendship.

 (Prince's P.O.V)

 "Thanks, guys," I mumbled completely relieved that we were still cool.

 "Of course!" Lavender smiled and stopped hugging me, "We all have some dark secrets we aren't comfortable sharing."

 (No one's P.O.V)

 After everyone was finished talking to each other they went to sleep. However, Infinite had found the base, he went inside and found Lavender. She was hugging her pillow in her sleep, "You're coming back...," Infinite growled and took Lavender. Lavender was locked in a room that Eggman had built that Sara and Tailset couldn't find using "The Sence".

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