When Night Falls, The Whispers Grow Louder

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Tommy layed in bed, trying to sleep, but he couldn't. "Trouble sleeping?" A voice asked.. Not a voice, the voice.. "Maybe.." Tommy whispered, groaning a bit. "Why's that? Trouble on your mind?" The voice suddenly laughed.. The face Tommy saw had the widest smile he'd seen in his life.. The face was always smiling, as if that's all he could do..

"Why are you always smiling..? Are you happy?" Tommy whispered. "Not all smiles are from happiness.. And the reasons are not to be questioned by some puny princeling." The voice boomed, almost yelling. Tommy was a bit worried- But he kept calm.. "I- I'm sorry.." Tommy apologized, not receiving a response.. The image in his head, the face.. The man seemed to be turned, talking to another.. Tommy noticed, and stayed quiet, but not for such reason, Tommy was scared of the emperor, that was why.

"I'm your friend.. You shouldn't worry, Tomathy." The voice reassured him, though it only shocked Tommy. "You know my name..?" Tommy asked. "I know everyone's name.. I'm the emperor, Tomathy.. But you may call me Dream. Understood?" The voice told Tommy. "Alright.." Tommy told the voice, the emperor, the man who claimed to be his friend. "But you know.. Your family may find it odd if you see no consequence for your actions, for being out the border.. And it's clear your father knows, and if you didn't tell me it'd be even more suspicious.." the voice explained.

"So.. what's going to happen?" Tommy asked the Dream, worried.. "Good question.. The usual response for someone like you, well.. That would be living in a world of their nightmares for a month.. Possibly longer.. But I feel that's not something I want for you." Dream told Tommy, it seemed like he was trying not to sound threatening, though it leaked through his voice.

    "That sounds.. Horrible.." Tommy stuttered, terror in his voice. "It is, according to those who survived.. Which is why I won't do it to you." Dream said, the once wide smile he saw in his mind now a smaller, more humble smile.. Tommy felt.. Safer. "I was thinking maybe.. Exile.." Dream offered, Tommy's eyes opened wide to this idea, not in joy, not in worryingly , not in terror, in shock.. The emperor was actually giving Tommy the choice of his own punishment. "I- I think that is fine.." Tommy stammered, from stories that had been told, exile would be the best possible option.. Especially since the man seemed to befriend Tommy.. It might not be the emperor, though.. And Tommy had to keep that in mind.

"How do I know you're really the emperor..?" Tommy asked.. and he got an immediate response, "Fair question.. How do you know.. You don't. And that should be enough, why would I lie? Who else would be able to project their voice in your mind? Why would they? You're a mere pawn, Tomathy. I'm giving you a use further than such." Dream snapped, it was clear Tommy asked a question he shouldn't have. "I- I'm sorry I asked.." Tommy stuttered, he felt bad.. Even gods, even the emperor has feelings.. Tommy made him mad, or perhaps upset.. Tommy couldn't tell, but he knew it was his fault.

"No, you're not. Someone who is sorry does not continue the action, you still question it.. You don't ask, but it's always in your head. You think I'm lying. Maybe I won't do exile, Maybe I will make it worse." Dream threatened Tommy.. Tommy did feel bad.. But he didn't know how trustable he was, anyone could lie.. Maybe not everyone could invade Tommy's mind, but there were others that could.. And lying isn't hard.. Projecting a face, yes.. But it could've been Tommy's mind connecting one with another.. Either way, Tommy was even more worried than before..

Tommy stayed up until half an hour til midnight.. When Dream finally spoke again.. "If you don't believe me, I'll send you a sign." Dream had said. "What sign?" Tommy asked back. Tommy was shocked when Drean next spoke, "I'll make it snow over your kingdom." Dream replied, and soon after, Tommy fell asleep.

Tommy lived in a place where it never snowed, even rain was rare sometimes, and it was midsummer.. Though, surely enough, it was snowing the very next day.. "No fucking way-" Tommy laughed under his breath, when he saw the snow. He walked out to the balcony, to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.. Then he pinched himself, and he finally asked.. "You're not fake.. Are you?" Tommy couldn't believe it.. He really had spoken to the emperor.

"I told you, Tomathy. You should've trusted me, it's saddening that you didn't, but I'll forgive you." Dream told Tommy, in a humble voice.. His face a Humble smile once more. Tommy was surprised, but glad he was forgiven, at least he could survive a bit longer.. "You have a bright personality, and your future will be just as bright.. So long as you play by my rules, Tomathy." The voice sounded calming.. And Tommy was calm, maybe the emperor was simply painted wrong.. Surely there were such reasons for the laws he had made, right?

Not an everyday fairytale, not a fairytale at all (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now