Something Emerges, Bringing Chaos

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        Across the land, in but another kingdom, a king is bombarded with questions. "King Bad, is it true that an Egg was found in the ruins?!" Someone asked, many questions were on that topic, but never giving Bad enough time to answer. Next to Bad's throne, Skeppy laid on his, tossing a ball in the air, laying in the throne, looking unamused. "Yes, it is true. Many of the kingdom's best scientists are studying it, and we will make sure to keep you all updated. Please, calm yourselves." Bad informed his people, and soon they dispersed. Many bowed, some thanked him for his information, while others claimed he didn't say enough. Bad honestly tried not to say enough, he didn't know enough.. But he did know, whatever it was, plant, egg, creature, he loved it.. "That was boring." Skeppy said, getting up from his throne, and walking towards a hall. Bad's throne room was made of a black quartz, red vines invading from the newfound "egg".. Though Bad worried of what the thing may truly be, he did like the design..

"People are so obsessed with that thing, it's like the new found pride of our kingdom." Skeppy claimed, and honestly, he wasn't wrong. And it wasn't just commoners, some nobles felt that way as well.. Bad being one of them. "Have you seen it, Skeppy?" Bad asked, to which Skeppy just shook his head. Bad did love the egg, or whatever it was, though he knew that too much close contact with it seemed to drive a normal person insane, or atleast make them obsessed with it. One of the first to find it was driven insane by it, while another had to be pried off of the egg..

It was only found days ago, but there were already so many reactions. Some tried to kill it, some tried to offer things, even people, to it, some simply cried to it, but the worst reaction of all, was a man who tried to plant a bomb on it and blow it up, hell, they did blow it up! But.. Not a dent of damage was done. Bad had thrown him into a cell, for questioning. "Oh! Skeppy, can you get a paper for me, I have to question someone, and I need to make sure to write it all down." Bad asked Skeppy, and Skeppy walked off, to come back moments later with a paper. "Can I come? I'm bored." Skeppy had asked, but Bad immediately denied him. Bad didn't know what the captive was capable of, and wasn't risking Skeppy. Bad was a demon, meaning he'd be fine, and while Skeppy was made of diamonds, he could still get hurt and die, and Bad would not let that happen.

As Bad walked down the hallway, towards the cell, he heard yelling right away. "F#%* YOU!! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!? LET ME THE F#%* OUT OF HERE DUMB*%#!!" The man yelled, and Bad's eyes widened. He had a ban on cusses in his land, and even got mad at Skeppy for swearing, he couldn't believe his ears. "LANGUAGE!!" Bad yelled, rushing over. The man was holding a dagger, and trying to stab one of the guards. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?!?" Bad exclaimed, grabbing the dagger out of the man's hand. Bad grabbed it by the blade, and had partially cut himself , but felt no pain. Bad would never admit it, but as a demon he fed on the chaos of others, and was starting to enjoy it all.

"YOU'RE THE NO GOOD F#%*ING ^%#HOLE KING WHO LOCKED ME IN HERE, HUH?!?!" The man yelled at Bad, still cussing. "Language." Bad said, motioning for the guards to leave. "Please explain your attack on my kingdom, sir." Bad commanded, calmly. He would never let his anger control him, no matter the situation. "IT WASN'T YOUR KINGDOM, IT WAS THAT F*^%ING EGG!!" The man yelled, yet another cuss, and Bad simply wrote it down. "Language." He repeated, he sounded so calm, as if nothing were wrong, but in his mind he was losing it. He had no tolerance for swears, but he'd never let that show. "Why did you attempt to blow up said egg?" Bad asked, he was still staying calm, and planned to stay calm until he left the area.

"IT F*#^ING BRAINWASHES PEOPLE DIP^#*#!!!!" He yelled, he clearly wasn't looking to calm down. "NOW LET ME THE F*#^ OUT OF HERE, I HAVE MY OWN KINGDOM TO RUN!!" The man kept screaming, and the cussing followed. "Which kingdom, may I ask?" Bad was intrigued, he'd never seen this man.. What kingdom was he in control of? "Las nevadas, the best gambling kingdom in the f^#*ing world!!" The man explained, less loudly, but full of pride. "Oh. I think I've heard of that kingdom.. Isn't it going broke?" Bad asked, quick to find the man's weakness. "NO IT'S F*^&ING NOT!! WHO THE F*&^ SAID THAT S*&^?!?!" The man was yelling again, and Bad realized he was correct. "May I know your name?' Bad asked, and the answer he got surprised him. "Quackity, dumb*$&" "Quackity? You look very.. Different." The man had scars on one of his eyes, and all over his arms.. He wore a suit, and a hat. The Quackity Bad knew, wore sweaters and hoodies.. What had happened?

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