Chapter 10 Getting Suspicious

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Anne's POV

I woke up and sat on my bed I didn't wait for Andrias to tell me what to do I quickly got off my bed and got ready I left I bet Andrias was still sleeping I quitely sneaked out and walked around the Newts were out of there rooms I looked in everyone's room just to do my work until Andrias tells me to nothing was there for most of them I did find some sharp odjects and some Newts trying to sneak out but mostly nothig I kinda got distracted with seeing Gregory he was out and he was seeing who was fighting I weny up to him "Hey" I said "Hey" he said looking away I think he was still felt bad for cutting himself and running away "Look Gregory I'm sorry but it's my job to take away sharp objects Andrias wants everyone to feel safe and not to sneak out also might I ask why was your window open" I asked "It's ok Anne and do you wanna know why my window was open" he asked me "Yes I need to know" I said "It's because I was sneaking up on the roof that morning I guess I forgot to close the window I swear I wasn't trying to sneak out I was just getting fresh air and sneaking up to the roof" he said "Ok thanks I'll tell Andrias this" I said "Marcy and Sasha told me to come out I didn't want to for a long time but I listened to them by the time I walked out of my room you were asleep and we can't go into the throne room without permission" he said "Ok I should've stayed until you came out" I said "I'm sorry Anne for cutting myself" he said "It's ok Gregory I know you felt that way that I didn't like you anymore but now I need you to be with me now I'm now working with King Andrias and I need your surport yeah I need all of your surport but it's mostly you, you know how to make choices and mostly made choices for me so I need you" I said "Ok Anne" he said "And Gregory I'm sorry to" I said "It's ok Anne" he said "So who's fighting" I asked Gregory "You wanna know who's fighting well you might take it hard as well as last time but I'll say it the person who's fight is...Marcy" he said "Marcy" I said " don't seem mad" he said "No I know she can fight better who is she fighting" I asked "Well it's someone she has already fighted she just trying again because it's Artie and you know what happened" he said "Yeah I do shame on him and his sister" I said "Yeah but his sister isn't here some Newt guards are making sure her and Artie doesn't pull that trick again" Gregory said "Yeah thankfully" I said "If you wanna see if she is winning come here" he said I came close to the railling "Oh she is winning" I said "Yep" he said "hey Gregory mind if I ask you where is Sasha she hasn't been near you for a few days" I asked "Oh Sasha she's training you know her she wants to be strong" he said "Who is she training with" I asked "Well she did talk to Sam and he kinda got her with Woozel I think I heard didn't you train with him" he asked me "Oh she's training with him...and yeah I did train with him" I said "Ok just wondering" he said then he looked back at the battle "Ok well I need to get back to work see you later Gregory" I said "Yeah see you later to Anne bye" he said "Bye" I said I ran off and got back to work and I found a Newt trying to sneak out I saw him run off as soon as I opened his door to his room I quikly ran into his room and tried to follow him but I alerted back up before I went after him "This is Andrias' side Anne I found a Newt sneaking out and he got out I'm going to follow him but I need back up copy" I said into a walkie talkie I had it to alert the back up team a group of Newts higher than any Newt they helped with Newts sneaking out I jumped out of his room and ran after him, he was pretty fast but I got up to him and took him down.

Andrias' POV

"Hmm Anne is acting like this isn't a serious job maybe it's her friends I know I made a promise to her that I won't hurt them but she has been so distracted lately she has left to do her job early than I told her to maybe she just forced no why would she take this job seriously" I thought to myself I stopped and thought for a minute "I need to get one of her friends which one does she care about most....Marcy" I said "Yes Marcy she'll be a good ginnie pig for Anne to take this job seriously" I said I walked back into my throne room and sat on my throne "My king you're back" one Newt guarding me said I heard him he felt nervous "You nervous" I asked him "To be honest...yeah I am...are you going to fire one of us" he asked "Fire one of you...hahahaha...why would I want to fire you, you have been nothing but useful to me" I said "Ok then what do you want us to do" he asked "I want you to bring me the girl" I said "Which one" he asked "The one who's name is Marcy Wu" I said "Yes sire" he said then order some Newts to get her.

Marcy's POV

I got done fighting finally I could beat some of the strong Newts I walked back up to the paltform Gregory was on "Hey" I said walking up to him "Marcy good fighting Artie thank goodness his sister didn't you know try that again" Gregory said "Yeah thankfully Newts were making sure they didn't try that trick again anyway how was Anne I heard you talk to her how is she, she doing good" I asked "She's doing good, I'm fine, but you, you just took down a Newt who is stronger than you, you good" he asked me "I'm doing fine just a little burise" I said "Good" he said we just standing there until one of us or mostly Gregory had to fight some Newts were coming towards us "I hope that's not us but I don't think they're after us" I said "I don't know Marcy I'm pretty sure they're coming after us" Gregory said "What, what makes you say that" I asked "Because look at there eyes they're locked on us" Gregory said "You're right" I said "What do we do run" Gregory asked "I don't know let's stay and see what they need" I said "Ok" Gregory said both of us waited they came up to us "Hey how are you" Gregory asked "We have no bissnuss with you Gregory Skyland" one of them said "Sheesh" Gregory said "Ok if you don't have any bissnuss with Gregory what about me" I asked "We do come with us" they same one said "Why" I asked "We don't know but King Andrias told us to come get you" he said "Ok I'll come but can Gregory come to" I asked "No King Andrias only wants you" he said "Why I need to come why can't Gregory" I asked "King Andrias has only asked for you not Gregory" he said "But I don't feel safe by myself sometimes and this is one of them" I said "Don't worry Marcy I'll be near the throne room when you get out" Gregory said "Thanks Gregory but I don't feel safe walking by myself with some Newts that are taking me to King Andrias" I said "We can do this the easy why or the hard way and you are almost to the hard way" the Newt said "Ok, ok I'll come can Gregory as least walk with us" I asked "No" he said I started following them Gregory stayed put I was ecosted into the trone room the Newts forced me to kneeled down I did "Your highness Marcy is here like you asked" the Newt said "Good you're dissmissed leave me and Marcy" King Andrias said the Newts lefted "Marcy, Marcy I can see Anne likes you, I see that Anne isn't paying attention and taking this job seroiusly, I see that she is distracted towards you, Anne cares alot about you, you know that" he said "Yeah were friends" I said "No more than that she loves you Marcy" he said "What Anne is just a good friend and are you saying Anne loves me in a friend why or a loving me" I asked "Marcy you will never understand" he said "Ok" I said "So now that you're here all we have to do is wait for Anne" he said I was a little worried why didn't I understand, what was Andrias telling me.

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