Requiem of Wars

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Your jaw hit the floor as you watched the fight between Thor and Lu Bo unfold.

Part of you had sympathy for the human that had to face him. You even acted as though you felt pity for the man.

Loki looked over at you knowingly with a smirk.

"Don't pretend to be on the mortal's side y/n, we all know you like Thor" he commented under his breath making your cheeks pinken.

You angrily shot up from your seat for Loki were always toying with you.

There once was a time when you were soft, patient, and only spoke when spoken to.


After ages of Loki's torment.. he had you turned into a feisty little thing.

What you thought to be Odin suddenly shifted into Thor as he turned in his chair to look over at you. 

"Are you really that in love with me?" he smirked.

Your eyes widened believing it were really Thor for a split second until you realised he were just another cloud of Loki's magic.

Registering that Loki had deceived you the entire time, even the number over the door-head shifted revealing you were in the wrong room altogether.

It were another of one his tricks.

You almost pounced on him to get some swings but he slinked free of your holds laughing as he did so.

"My, you are just too easy to toy with. I can hardly resist" his voice travelled through the air as he vanished.

You glanced around the room a little nervously. You hated when he disappeared like that..

 You felt the tap of your shoulder as he suddenly appearing behind you.

When you spun around he were awfully close. 

He leaned down further bringing his face near yours.

You blushed and swatted him away for he just about kissed you.

"Ohhh y/n. If only I were of your desires the way my nephew were..." he trailed with an enticing smile for he had been chasing after you for years himself.

Your desires for Thor were stronger though. Part of you always held out in hopes he would one day see you in that light.

Loki found it amusing for it never seemed to happen your way and that only encouraged him to chase after you more himself.

"How long where you going to keep me here! I was ordered to join Odin! How much trouble you might have gotten me in!" You pointed your finger at him before storming out from the room.

You bumped into various Gods and Goddesses on your way and despite their initial anger they halted upon recognising who you were.

You weren't necessarily a threatening Goddess, you were just known for having many powerful friends.

Sometimes you wished you were known for your own power but Odin never wanted to see you fight.

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